
BBC restrictions on depicting Mohammed must be abolished, says NSS

The National Secular Society is calling on the Government to compel the BBC to remove a restriction on any depiction... Read More »

BBC restrictions on depicting Mohammed must be abolished, says NSS

The National Secular Society is calling on the Government to compel the BBC to remove a restriction on any depiction of the prophet Mohammed. Read More »

Islamist attack on Paris satirical magazine leaves 12 dead

Three masked gunmen have stormed the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine, leaving 12 dead. 5 others suffered... Read More »

NSS Respond to Parliamentary Reform Committee

The National Secular Society has responded to the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee's consultation on... Read More »

58 Plymouth Brethren churches given charitable status

Almost 60 Plymouth Brethren congregations have gained charitable status in the past year providing them with significant... Read More »


Donec ut orci vel odio dictum eleifend vel in ante. Fusce eleifend lacinia ipsum, sit amet vulputate diam lacinia... Read More »

Jewish faith school’s admission policy amounts to “discrimination on the basis of race”

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) has instructed two Jewish faith schools to revise their admissions policies... Read More »

New Government backed council prayers bill will 'undermine religious freedom'

The National Secular Society has accused the Government of seeking to undermine religious freedom by supporting a... Read More »

Who should be the next Secularist of the Year?

Tickets are now on sale for Secularist of the Year 2015 and the National Secular Society is seeking the public's nominations... Read More »

NSS welcomes Supreme Court ruling on abortion objection case

The Supreme Court has overturned a ruling on the case of two Catholic midwives, upholding an appeal from the Greater... Read More »

Government forces local authority to hand over £1 million site to 'Sikh ethos free school'

Leeds City Council has been ordered to hand over a former primary school site worth almost £1 million to enable... Read More »

Schools Minister writes to Rabbi over advice to avoid science questions at Jewish faith school

The Minister for Schools, David Laws MP, has written to the principal of Yesodey Hatorah, an Orthodox Jewish school,... Read More »

House of Lords debates FGM and Sharia Law in the UK

On Thursday 11 December, there were debates in the House of Lords on female genital mutilation (FGM) and the "impact... Read More »

IHEU report reveals extent of global discrimination against non-believers

The International Humanist and Ethical Union has released its second annual report on the global state of human rights... Read More »

Poland overturns ban on non-stun slaughter of animals in favour of religious privilege

The Polish Constitutional Tribunal has overturned a ban on the religious (non-stun) slaughter of animals.

In January... Read More »

New report on UK sharia ‘marriages’ exposes “tip of the iceberg”

A report by a human rights group has exposed the vulnerability of Muslim women living in Islamic 'marriages' in the... Read More »

NSS warns against bill allowing religious exemptions to Northern Ireland’s equality laws

Democratic Unionist Party backbencher Paul Givan MLA (pictured above) has proposed a Private Members Bill that would... Read More »

Law Society did not consult before issuing Sharia guidance

A Freedom of Information request from an unnamed complainant has revealed that the Law Society did not consult any... Read More »

New BBC consultation ‘an opportunity to challenge Thought For The Day’

The BBC has launched a new consultation asking listeners what they like and dislike about its speech radio output.... Read More »

Plans for new eruv cause division and objections from residents in Manchester

Plans to erect an eruv in Hale have caused complaints and objections from local residents, whilst planners deny it... Read More »

DfE issues new guidance for promoting “fundamental British values”

The Department for Education (DfE) has published new guidance for schools on the promotion of "fundamental British... Read More »

EU parliament calls on Pakistan to abolish the death penalty for blasphemy

The European parliament has voted for a resolution condemning Pakistan's blasphemy laws, saying that they were increasingly... Read More »

Religious influence in schools criticised in House of Lords “religion in public life” debate

The role of religion in schools has come under scrutiny during a House of Lords debate on the role of religion and... Read More »

Peer faces formal complaint after calling on Muslims to "address the violence in the Qur’an"

Lord Pearson of Rannoch is facing a formal complaint from Labour MP Khalid Mahmood, after calling on Muslims to "address... Read More »

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