
NSS backs parents allocated Sikh school against their wishes

The National Secular Society is supporting parents whose children have been allocated a Sikh ethos free school against their wishes. Read More »

NUS votes to work with group accused of supporting Islamic extremism

The National Union of Students has voted to work with Islamic 'civil rights' group Cage, against the Government's... Read More »

Queen’s University Belfast cancels Charlie Hebdo event for ‘security’ reasons

Queen's University Belfast has cancelled an event on the fallout from the attack on Charlie Hebdo, citing fears over... Read More »

NSS calls on Ed Miliband to clarify comments on workplace religious freedom

The National Secular Society has called on Labour leader Ed Miliband to clarify recent comments he made during an... Read More »

Canadian Supreme Court rules unanimously against council prayers

The Canadian Supreme Court has ruled that a municipal council in a Quebec town may not hold prayers as part of its... Read More »

Survey: UK is one of the least religious countries in the world

A survey by WIN/Gallup international, which questioned 64,000 people in 65 different countries, has found that the... Read More »

Failed Orthodox school prioritised “narrow” religious education over reading, maths and science -Ofsted

An Independent Jewish faith school has failed all five Ofsted assessment criteria and been branded "inadequate" for... Read More »

Educate Together describes religious monopoly over Irish schools as “shocking”

Educate Together, the independent NGO that runs non-faith schools in Ireland, has warned of the "shocking" control... Read More »

As Cameron says UK “still a Christian country”, 62% tell YouGov they are “not religious”

Polling conducted in the run-up to Easter has found that almost two-thirds of Britons describe themselves as "not... Read More »

Ex-congressman tells atheist politicians to 'stay in the closet'

Former US congressman Barney Frank has advised US atheist politicians to 'stay in the closet' and not to use the word... Read More »

Secularists call on Prime Minister to fix date for Easter to help schools and businesses

The National Secular Society has written to David Cameron, urging the Prime Minister to fix a set date for Easter... Read More »

Putin continues promotion of “traditional values” and crackdown on blasphemy

The head of the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre has been fired by the Russian Culture Minister over a 'blasphemous'... Read More »

Priest criticises Catholics-only school bus policy for faith school pupils

Flintshire Council has come under attack from a priest over its policy of only funding school bus travel to faith... Read More »

Charlie Hebdo awarded Secularist of the Year prize for response to Paris attacks

The National Secular Society has awarded Charlie Hebdo the annual Secularist of the Year prize, for its courageous... Read More »

“Sodomite Suppression Act” proposed by US Christian lawyer

A California lawyer has proposed a "Sodomite Suppression Act" and warned of "God's just wrath" should the state of... Read More »

Jordan proposes ban on “insults to religions” at next Inter-Parliamentary Union meeting

Jordan has introduced an emergency item to the next meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, calling for a ban on... Read More »

Boris Johnson describes bishops in the House of Lords as “clerical fossils”

London Mayor Boris Johnson has described Anglican bishops with the automatic right to a seat in the House of Lords... Read More »

Street preacher fined for using “abusive” language after quoting Leviticus

Street preacher Michael Overd has been found guilty of using "threatening" or "abusive" words after making homophobic... Read More »

NSS welcomes pledge to review ‘sharia courts’

The National Secular Society has welcomed an announcement from Home Secretary Theresa May that a future Conservative... Read More »

Tribunal: political views should receive same protection under Equality Act as religious beliefs

An Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has ruled that political views constitute a "philosophical belief" under the Equality... Read More »

Council prayers bill “no triumph for democracy”

A Bill enabling local authorities in England to hold prayers as part of their official business and to "support or... Read More »

Deference to faith is preventing effective challenges to the “horror” of witchcraft accusations and persecution

The Witchcraft and Human Rights Information Network (WHRIN) has warned that "considerable reluctance" to intervene... Read More »

Christianity has “lost status” because of equality and human rights legislation, say evangelical Christians

An Equality and Human Rights Commission report has found that "some Christian employers, service users and providers"... Read More »

UK government criticised for stalling on caste discrimination

The Government has been criticised for not taking action to tackle caste-based discrimination after a long campaign... Read More »

New NHS guidance requires hospitals to provide pastoral care to non-religious

New guidance published by NHS England will require hospitals in England to consider the needs of non-religious patients... Read More »

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