
Secularists express concern over council decision to accommodate religious refusal to conduct same-sex weddings

The National Secular Society has expressed concern at a decision by Central Bedfordshire Council to reinstate a Christian registrar who was previously dismissed after refusing to conduct same-sex weddings. Read More »

Changes to Germany’s ‘church tax’ prompts exodus

Hundreds of thousands of German tax-payers are leaving their officially designated religions to avoid paying a 'church... Read More »

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NSS raise concerns over new faith school linked to ‘witch-hunting’ bishop

The National Secular Society has expressed concern that a school linked to a controversial Pentecostal Nigerian 'witch... Read More »

Church school allocation angers non-religious parents

Non-religious parents in St Albans have been told by the local authority that the only state education they can offer... Read More »

Church school allocation angers non-religious parents

Non-religious parents in St Albans have been told by the local authority that the only state education they can offer their children is at a faith school. Read More »

Labour Party amends equality statement to include non-religious people

The Labour Party has revised its recently-adopted equality statement to cover non-religious people, having previously... Read More »

Equality & Human Rights Commission calls for evidence on religion or belief issues

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has launched a major call for evidence from individuals and organisations... Read More »

NSS calls for Nigerian ‘witch hunter’ to be denied entry to the UK

The National Secular Society has called on the Home Secretary to deny a controversial Pentecostal Nigerian 'witch... Read More »

Christian group threatens DfE with legal action over school equality standards

A Christian lobby group is threatening the Government with a judicial review over its plans to introduce new standards... Read More »

Education secretary to cut public funding to nurseries promoting 'extremist views' – including creationism

The Government has announced plans to cut public funding to nurseries that teach creationism as scientific fact or... Read More »

Australian state bans external religious organisations from running prayer groups in schools

The Education Department of Victoria has issued a directive clarifying rules on the Australian state's requirements... Read More »

NSS responds to Government consultation on school standards and 'British values'

The National Secular Society has backed Government plans to tackle religious extremism in schools by reinforcing principles... Read More »

Church blocks NHS job offer to clergyman over same-sex marriage

The first British clergyman to marry a same-sex partner has had a job offer as an NHS chaplain withdrawn after a Bishop... Read More »

Claim that children's religious freedoms breached by scrapping of free transport to faith schools rejected by secularists

A Conservative Assembly Member for South Wales has claimed that by not providing free transport to faith schools local... Read More »

Judge rules seriously ill teenager should receive treatment involving “blood products” against mother’s religious objections

A High Court Judge has ruled that doctors can administer "plasma exchange treatment" to a seriously ill teenager after... Read More »

Labour party equality statement excludes non-religious people

Labour's policy making body – the National Policy Forum – has come under fire for adopting an equality... Read More »

There should be no embarrassment over challenging Muslim treatment of women, says Justice Minister

Justice Minister Simon Hughes has said Britain should not be "culturally embarrassed" about challenging Muslims over... Read More »

German newspaper forced to apologise over criticism of Islam piece

Germany's biggest selling newspaper, Bild am Sonntag, has had to apologise for an editorial comment piece which has... Read More »

MPs debate Eid and Diwali public holidays

MPs have debated a proposal to create two new public holidays for the Muslim and Hindu holidays of Eid and Diwali.... Read More »

Equality and Human Rights Commission: gender segregation at campus events “unlawful”

The National Secular Society has welcomed new legal guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)... Read More »

Legislation introduced to abolish chancel repair liability

A parliamentary bill has been introduced to abolish chancel repair liability – an ancient law that can force... Read More »

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