
Secular Medical Forum warns that new Conscientious Objection Bill threatens provision of patient care

Secular doctors have voiced serious concerns about the Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill, which had... Read More »

Crowdsourced constitution calls for secular state

The London School of Economics has published its "People's Constitution" which would enshrine secular principles across... Read More »

NSS: Christians have nothing to fear from secularism

More practising Christians in the UK identified secularism as a "social and political issue" than poverty, in a new... Read More »

"Fidelity to our Christian patrimony” makes UK great, says Catholic bishop

The Bishop of Portsmouth has urged Catholics to be 'vociferous' when taking part in the "democratic process".

According... Read More »

Government urged to tackle sharia ‘courts’ and religious tribunals by women’s rights and secular campaigners

Almost 200 signatories, including the National Secular Society and women's rights groups, have called on the Government... Read More »

Tribunal to rule on Gay clergyman refused NHS chaplaincy job because he is in same-sex marriage

A Bishop stripped a Church of England clergyman of the licence needed to take a hospital chaplaincy job because he... Read More »

NSS welcomes closure of school inspectorate with alleged extremist links

The National Secular Society has welcomed the news that the Bridge Schools Inspectorate (BSI) is to close, after strongly... Read More »

Former education secretary calls for abolition of collective worship law and reform of RE

The obligation on state schools in England and Wales to provide a daily act of collective worship should be scrapped,... Read More »

Catholic Church child abuse cover-ups: Vatican justice is no justice at all

The National Secular Society has dismissed Pope Francis' new tribunal to hear the cases of bishops implicated in covering... Read More »

Australian Catholic schools criticised for distributing anti equal marriage propaganda

The Catholic Church has sent a booklet entitled "Don't Mess With Marriage" to 56 primary and secondary schools in... Read More »

Tribunal sides with employer over Muslim who said request to wear shorter, ankle-length jilbab was “against her morals”

An Employment Appeal Tribunal has found that a Muslim woman was not discriminated against when told that her jilbab... Read More »

Northern Ireland anti-abortion measure “strongly supported” by religious groups

A coalition of religious groups offered 'strong support' to proposed legislation in Northern Ireland which would have... Read More »

EU survey reveals clear support for labelling of meat from non-stunned animals

A survey by the European Commission has found widespread confusion over religious slaughter but clear support for... Read More »

Tristram Hunt criticises “absurdities” caused by having faith schools in the education system

Labour's Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt has warned that faith schools leave little hope for an integrated... Read More »

Tribunal finds that Christian nursery worker was victim of religious discrimination

An employment tribunal has found that an evangelical Christian woman working at a nursery in Highbury, north London... Read More »

NSS criticises Tony Blair’s plans to 'entrench' religion in public life across Europe

The NSS has criticised Tony Blair's proposals ahead of his appointment as chair of the European Council on Tolerance... Read More »

Human rights group warns against global blasphemy law

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has warned the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) against... Read More »

Forced academisation could impose religion on pupils

The National Secular Society has warned that proposals to force struggling local authority schools in England to become... Read More »

MP: “If you despise our Christian values, please leave and go somewhere else”

Conservative MP Sir Gerald Howarth, speaking in the House of Commons, has claimed that "we are a Christian country"-... Read More »

Secularists call for commitment to free speech and civil society to challenge bigotry

The National Secular Society has called on the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights to promote a robust civil society... Read More »

New research: 49% have no religion, Anglican Church collapse continues, Islam increases ten-fold since 1983

New findings by the National Centre for Social Research have confirmed the long-term collapse in affiliation with... Read More »

Minister warns that French secularism can be counter-productive

The French education minister has cautioned against France's secularity rules suppressing the rights of religious... Read More »

Bills on assisted dying, ‘chancel tax’, Easter trading and sharia tribunals set for Lords debates

A number of bills related to secular causes have been successful in the House of Lords Private Members' Bill ballot,... Read More »

NSS calls for investigation of Orthodox Jewish schools after driving ban on mothers

The National Secular Society has called on the Department for Education to investigate two independent Orthodox Jewish... Read More »

Creationism blocked in Scottish science classes

The Scottish education minister has stated that creationism should not be taught in science classes in publicly-funded... Read More »

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