
Queen’s Speech: concerns over illiberal Government counter-terror plans

The National Secular Society has expressed concern over new "anti-extremism" plans announced in the Conservative Government's... Read More »

Councillor called an “absolute disgrace” for asking that prayers not take place in official meetings

A local councillor has been called an "absolute disgrace" by a Conservative councillor for suggesting that it was... Read More »

72% support council’s bid to cut free travel subsidy for faith schools

Kirklees Council is considering ending free travel to faith schools in a bid to cut out unnecessary expenditure. The... Read More »

Court ruling: local authorities are under no obligation to subsidise transport to faith schools

A judge has ruled that the state is not obliged to subsidise transportation to and from faith schools, despite ruling... Read More »

LibDem leadership contender calls for secular state

Tim Farron, one of two candidates for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats, has called for the Church of England... Read More »

NSS urges Government to resist regressive demands to lift admissions cap on faith schools

The NSS has urged the Government to resist regressive demands to allow more discrimination in faith schools after... Read More »

'Gay cake' ruling: “no exceptions” to equality laws for religious beliefs

Belfast County Court has ruled that the Ashers Bakery, run by a Christian family, unlawfully discriminated against... Read More »

75% of Britons have never been influenced by a religious leader

Polling by YouGov has found that while a slim plurality of Britons think religious leaders should comment on politics... Read More »

Whitchurch scraps prayers in Council meetings

Whitchurch Town Council has voted to abolish the practice of saying prayers at its meetings, just weeks after the... Read More »

MP warns of “religious intimidation” of Muslim voters

The Labour MP for Slough has hit out against voter intimidation, after some Muslim voters were told that they were... Read More »

Former High Court judge compares secularism to religious repression of the Tudors

The National Secular Society has strongly rejected the comments of a former High Court judge, who said atheists and... Read More »

Government’s anti-extremism plans will have 'chilling effect' on free speech

The National Secular Society has expressed concern at the Government's new proposals to challenge extremism and radicalisation.... Read More »

NSS welcomes Eric Pickles’ exit from Cabinet

The removal of Eric Pickles from the post of Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government... Read More »

NSS joins calls for Government to recognise global discrimination against atheists- as third Bangladeshi blogger is hacked to death

The National Secular Society is calling on the Government to do more to tackle global discrimination against non-believers,... Read More »

Bath Student Union says decision to cut Jesus and Mohammed sketch was “in line with normal practice”

Bath Student Union has defended their decision to cut 'blasphemous' material from a student group's comedy show, saying... Read More »

Faith school closes so staff can go on religious pilgrimage

A Catholic primary school in Birmingham closed for a day during term-time so that its staff could attend a pilgrimage... Read More »

Take action: Urge Paraguayan authorities to provide a safe abortion for 10-year-old rape survivor

The National Secular Society is urging its supporters to call on Paraguayan authorities to grant an abortion to a... Read More »

91% of barristers would insist witnesses remove face veil while giving evidence

Over 90% of barristers would support some limits on face veils during trials, it has emerged.

A poll by the Bar Council... Read More »

British Muslim Youth object after cancellation of debate following police intervention

A Muslim youth organisation has complained that a debate they had arranged with ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson was prevented... Read More »

Prayers cause conflict on Northern Ireland council

Councillors in Northern Ireland have been left bitterly split after an hour long row over whether to begin council... Read More »

Free speech campaigners concerned by Ed Miliband’s vow to ban ‘Islamophobia’- without defining what it means

The National Secular Society and other advocates for freedom of expression have expressed alarm after Labour leader... Read More »

Nigel Farage calls for “muscular defence” of Christianity in the UK

Nigel Farage has said that Christianity is a "significant part" of his "vision for the future of Britain" in a special... Read More »

Bath Student Union and university chaplains blocked comedy sketch material on Mohammed and Jesus

Student Union officials and university chaplains ordered a line featuring Mohammed cut from a student comedy show,... Read More »

Less than 40% of would-be MPs claim a belief in God

A survey carried out by Whitehouse Consultancy has found that 33% of parliamentary candidates contesting marginal... Read More »

NSS backs parents allocated Sikh school against their wishes

The National Secular Society is supporting parents unhappy about their children being allocated a Sikh ethos free... Read More »

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