
Prominent Christian Nicky Morgan becomes Education Secretary

David Cameron has promoted conservative minister and prominent Christian Nicky Morgan to the position of secretary... Read More »

Prison imams found to have links with Islamic extremism

Some of the imams working in UK prisons as chaplains have links with Muslim extremist groups, and may be contributing... Read More »

Solicitors Regulation Authority withdraws endorsement of Law Society’s sharia guidance

The Solicitor's Regulatory Authority (SRA) has removed a reference to the Law Society's controversial practice note... Read More »

Head of Polish hospital dismissed after refusing abortion on religious grounds

The head of a Polish public hospital has been dismissed for refusing on religious grounds to carry out an abortion... Read More »

Trojan Horse schools pupils 'vulnerable to extremism'

According to Ofsted's chief inspector, Sir Micheal Wilshaw, inspectors of the so-called Trojan Horse schools in Birmingham... Read More »

New petition calls for an end to compulsory worship in schools

A petition has been launched calling on political parties to commit to ending compulsory worship in schools.

With parties... Read More »

Turkish mother’s insult at Greek orthodox faith school allocation

A Turkish Cypriot parent from London has branded the offer of a Greek orthodox faith based free school to her son... Read More »

Christian bakers in gay campaign cake row could face legal action

A Northern Ireland bakery run by devout Christians could face legal action after it refused to make a cake with a... Read More »

Compulsory Christian worship should be reframed as ‘spiritual reflection’, says Church of England education chief

The legal requirement for schools to provide a daily act of 'broadly Christian' collective worship should be replaced... Read More »

Parents told faith school or no school by local council

Eleven children whose parents refused places at a Hindu faith school in the London borough of Redbridge have been... Read More »

European Court of Human Rights upholds French ban on full-face veil

The European Court of Human Rights has upheld a French law banning the wearing of the full-face veil in public, ruling... Read More »

Proposal to remove religious exemption from Irish employment equality law

The cabinet of the Irish Government will decide next week whether to approve an amendment to employment equality law... Read More »

School governors’ body recommends abolition of collective worship law

The National Governors' Association, which represents 300,000 school governors in England, has become the latest body... Read More »

Supreme Court decision on assisted dying “encouraging”, say campaigners

A decision handed down from the Supreme Court today, in the cases of Nicklinson v Ministry of Justice, puts significant... Read More »

New campaign urges party leaders to support change in the law on assisted dying

The campaign group Dignity in Dying has launched a campaign aimed at the three main party leaders asking them to support... Read More »

PM reaffirms Britain is a “Christian country” – British Social Attitudes figures suggest otherwise

Prime Minister David Cameron has again stood by his assertion that Britain is a "Christian country", saying he believes... Read More »

Ofsted withdraws 'discriminatory' guidance on inspecting faith schools

Ofsted has told the National Secular Society that it is updating its guidance on inspecting 'faith schools' following... Read More »

Ofsted guidance on inspecting faith schools reveals “disturbing capitulation to religious demands”

The National Secular Society has accused Ofsted of "capitulating to oppressive religious demands" after the schools... Read More »

New Anglican schools to operate ‘open admissions’ policies

The Church of England's chief education officer has indicated that new CofE schools will adopt 'open admissions' policy... Read More »

Role of religion in schools under scrutiny as Ofsted reveal extent of fundamentalism in Birmingham schools

The role of religion in schools has come under scrutiny following Ofsted's finding that "a culture of fear and intimidation... Read More »

Solicitors Regulation Authority criticised over endorsement of Law Society’s sharia wills guidance

The regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales has been criticised by the Lawyers Secular Society for endorsing... Read More »

NSS calls for statutory sex and relationship education in all schools, including those with faith-based ethos

The National Secular Society has called for age appropriate sex and relationship education (SRE) to be made a statutory... Read More »

Christian charity launches booklet "equipping Christians to take action against assisted suicide"

A Christian charity has launched a booklet aimed at equipping Christians with arguments against euthanasia and assisted... Read More »

Wedding invitation company cites religious beliefs for refusing services to gay couple

The National Secular Society has said that legal action under equality legislation should be taken against a wedding... Read More »

Complaint lodged after Scottish Parliament used to launch evangelical Christian manifesto

Secular campaigners in Scotland have lodged a formal complaint after the Scottish Parliament was used by an evangelical... Read More »

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