
Head of Russian Orthodox Church says secularization in Europe has reached “apocalyptic dimensions,” calls for “Christian values”

Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, has told an audience in Serbia that Europe has abandoned... Read More »

The Law Society withdraws controversial Sharia guidance and apologises

The sharia succession practice note has been withdrawn by the Law Society, following widespread criticism for gender... Read More »

Theresa May announces new measures to curb extremism

The Home Secretary, Theresa May, has announced a raft of new measures to prevent extremism, radicalisation and terrorism,... Read More »

Secularists call for citizenship studies to include stronger focus on human rights

In a response to a Department for Education (DfE) consultation on draft changes to the GCSE citizenship studies subject... Read More »

Church school allocation angers non-religious parents

Non-religious parents in St Albans have been told by the local authority that the only state education they can offer... Read More »

Ofsted reveals “serious risk” to students’ physical and educational welfare in faith schools

A series of Ofsted investigations have exposed serious failings in six Islamic schools. The head of Ofsted, Sir Michael... Read More »

Turkish President restates his belief that Muslims discovered America

Christopher Columbus has been removed from the Turkish school syllabus after President Erdogan claimed Muslim sailors... Read More »

Religious charities face Charity Commission investigations

Three Christian charities have recently faced investigations or "operational compliance cases" from the Charity Commission... Read More »

Four churches and Christian charities face Charity Commission investigation or penalties

Several Christian charities are currently facing investigations or fines from the Charity Commission for a range of offences, including fraud and accounting irregularities. Read More »

Glasgow University investigates impact and extent of religious privilege

Researchers in the history and law departments of Glasgow University are beginning a research project to map the historical... Read More »

Promotion of 'British values' undermines Christian teaching, says Church of England: NSS responds

The Church of England has complained that the promotion of fundamental values such as democracy, the rule of law,... Read More »

NSS alert Ofsted after Jewish faith school tells pupils not to answer exam questions that conflict with school’s religious ethos

The National Secular Society has called on Ofsted and the Department for Education (DfE) to ensure that all schools... Read More »

“Learning Jihad”: new report on campus extremism has launch event cancelled by the University of West London

A new report from Sharia Watch UK (SWUK) has revealed the shocking reach of Islamist speakers on UK university campuses.... Read More »

Victims of historic child sex abuse speak out, after Catholic Church refuses to accept “liability” for the crimes of their priests

The Catholic Church is refusing to accept "liability" for long-term sex abuse that went on at the Mirfield Junior... Read More »

Christian psychiatrist given official warning after forcing her religious beliefs onto vulnerable patients

A Christian psychiatrist has admitted distributing "unsolicited religious material" to her patients, including leaflets... Read More »

Secularists call for an inclusive national ceremony of remembrance

The commemoration of Remembrance Day should be rethought and re-designed to make it a truly inclusive national event,... Read More »

Catholic Church in Norway secretly registered thousands as Catholics to illegally secure government funds

For four years the Catholic Church in Norway has been illegally registering immigrants as Catholics in order to secure... Read More »

Significant minority of Anglican clergy favour disestablishment

A new YouGov poll conducted among Anglican clergy shows a significant minority of them would support separating the... Read More »

Niger removes sex education from schools after condemnation from Islamic clerics

UN-designed sex education material has been withdrawn from the Niger schools syllabus after condemnation from Islamic... Read More »

Obstructionist tactics to block human rights groups from advising UN condemned by UN Special Rapporteur

Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of assembly and association, has criticised repeated efforts... Read More »

Dignity in Dying demonstration on Friday 7 November in support of the Assisted Dying Bill

The campaign group Dignity in Dying (DiD) will be demonstrating outside Parliament next week on Friday morning 7 November... Read More »

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