
Social Integration Commission calls for limits on new faith schools

A new report by the Social Integration Commission has warned of segregation in Britain and called on the Department... Read More »

Religious lobbying threatens European Parliament vote on gender equality

On Tuesday 10 March the European Parliament will vote on a report about gender equality in the EU. NGOs are concerned... Read More »

A very special Secularist of the Year event in the offing- get your tickets now

This year's Secularist of the Year lunch is shaping up to be one of the most exciting events in the secularists' social... Read More »

Beef ban prompts fears over state of Indian secularism

The Indian state of Maharashtra has banned the sale or possession of beef, leading to fears that secularism in India... Read More »

Police and Crime Commissioner criticised for awarding tens of thousands of pounds to Christian groups

The National Secular Society has raised concerns about a scheme to "nurture, equip and enable" religious organisations... Read More »

“Be Careful With Mohammed”: Muslim Action Forum launches “legal strategy” to stop publication of insults to Mohammed

The Muslim Action Forum (MAF), which staged a protest outside Downing Street against Charlie Hebdo in February, has... Read More »

Council prayers bill branded a "recipe for divisiveness"

A Government backed Bill to give local councils the power to include prayers in their meetings has been branded a... Read More »

NSS rebukes Eric Pickles for claims about “aggressive secularists”

The National Secular Society has strongly criticised Communities Secretary Eric Pickles, for warning of "violent extremists"... Read More »

NSS warns of ‘de-facto’ blasphemy laws at European Parliament

The National Secular Society has raised concerns about the limits imposed on free speech by unofficial blasphemy laws... Read More »

New poll shows significant minority of UK Muslims support attacks on Charlie Hebdo

A poll of Muslim opinion in the UK has exposed a large minority who believe violence against those who depict Mohammed... Read More »

MPs cite “overwhelming” public support in debate on non-stun animal slaughter

MPs have debated ending non-stun slaughter, after a petition to end the religious exemption to animal welfare laws... Read More »

Homophobic preacher invited to address University of Westminster Islamic Society

Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad, who once said "godless homosexuals" engaged in a "criminal act", is to be hosted by the... Read More »

Secularists stand up for LGBT equality in Northern Ireland

The NSS has objected to proposed changes to Northern Ireland's equality laws which would allow businesses to refuse... Read More »

Religious extremism in Islamic charity is exposed by ITV documentary

An ITV documentary has exposed radicalism and anti-Semitism in an Islamic charity with alleged extremist links.

The... Read More »

Norman Bonney 1944 – 2015

We are sad to report the death of Prof. Norman Bonney on 13 February after a long illness, which caused him to resign... Read More »

Church of England voting guidance says religion cannot be separated from politics

The Church of England has published a letter advising Church members on the upcoming election, in a move which has... Read More »

£400,000 Government scheme to “strengthen” faith organisations in Britain

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is giving away £400,000 to a religious organisation... Read More »

NSS discuss rise in religious hate crime with Communities Minister

The National Secular Society has met with the Department for Communities and Local Government to discuss the rise... Read More »

Surge in atheism amongst young Britons bolsters case for a secular UK

One third of under-24s describe themselves as atheists, according to a new poll which offers more evidence for a "generational... Read More »

Law firms who offer sharia advice in breach of insurance regulations, says new research

Research by the Lawyers' Secular Society has exposed serious risks for law firms who offer advice on sharia law.

Law... Read More »

Catholic school's transport 'discrimination' claim disputed by secularists

Swansea Council is facing a judicial review after deciding to phase-out its subsidy for faith school students to have... Read More »

Charles vows to keep “Defender of the Faith” title as King

Prince Charles has stated that he will retain the monarch's traditional title as "Defender of the Faith" as King,... Read More »

BBC cuts religion on radio by 37 per cent

The latest BBC Annual Report indicates that although religious broadcasting on radio has declined by 37% over a year,... Read More »

Cambridge secularists sever ties with “discriminatory” RE Advisory Council

The Cambridge Secular Society (CSS) has cut off links with the Cambridge RE council, and will now focus on helping... Read More »

French religious leaders asked to sign free speech declaration

Reporters Without Borders is asking French religious leaders to sign a statement declaring that "everyone is free... Read More »

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