
Secularists protest Pope’s planned address to the European Parliament

Over a dozen secularist organisations have written to the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, objecting... Read More »

National Secular Society welcomes call for faith schools to face Ofsted inspections of their religious teaching

The National Secular Society has welcomed calls from Labour's Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt for religious... Read More »

NSS calls on Welsh Government to review compulsory collective worship

The National Secular Society has called on the Welsh government to review the legal requirement on schools to provide... Read More »

European Commission dismisses NSS complaint over employment discrimination in faith schools

The European Commission has announced it will take no further action against the UK Government after investigating... Read More »

Tory MP calls for all sex education to be scrapped

During a debate introducing the Sex and Relationships Education (Curriculum) Bill to parliament this week, Conservative... Read More »

NSS welcomes new measures to tackle FGM

The National Secular Society has welcomed new government measures announced yesterday to crackdown on the practice... Read More »

NUS rejects motion on Iraqi/Kurdish solidarity citing ‘Islamophobia’

The National Union of Students' National Executive Committee (NUS NEC) has rejected a motion condemning the Islamic... Read More »

Religion continues to cause disruption in 'Trojan Horse' schools

A school placed in special measures following the Birmingham 'Trojan Horse' affair has received 100 letters from parents... Read More »

Ofsted denies ‘bullying and traumatising’ Jewish pupils

Ofsted has denied claims that it acted inappropriately after an association of Orthodox schools accused it of leaving... Read More »

Academic calls for “conscience clauses” for Christians

A Christian academic has called for special "conscience clauses" for Christians in laws of which they do not approve.... Read More »

Call to secularise NHS chaplaincy services

Secularists have criticised new draft NHS England chaplaincy guidelines for failing to adequately recognise the needs... Read More »

Lib Dems back proposals to end compulsory worship and faith school discrimination against teachers

Liberal Democrats have voted in support of a motion to abolish compulsory worship in schools and to end religious... Read More »

A ‘New Magna Carta’: time for a codified constitution?

As the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta approaches, has the time come for the UK to have a codified constitution?... Read More »

A ‘New Magna Carta’: time for a secular constitution?

As the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta approaches, has the time come for the UK to have a written constitution? And if so, what form should it take? Read More »

Judges' religious service criticised by secular lawyers

Secular lawyers have called for a separation of the Church of England from judicial affairs after judges marked the... Read More »

Tower Hamlets denies 'Trojan Horse 2' claims

Tower Hamlets has denied newspaper claims that a Trojan Horse '2' is soon to be uncovered in the East London Borough.... Read More »

NSS backs school's decision to enforce ban on face coverings

The National Secular Society has given its backing to one of the country's top state schools after it came under fire... Read More »

Pope’s former envoy under arrest over child abuse charges

Archbishop Josef Wesolowski, the highest ranking Catholic to be investigated over child abuse, is now under house... Read More »

Law Society under growing pressure over sharia wills guidance

Secularists and human rights campaigners have stepped up their calls for the Law Society to withdraw its controversial... Read More »

BBC's Rip Off Britain takes on chancel repair liability

Rip Off Britain, the BBC consumer rights program which investigates viewers' stories of being ripped-off, this week... Read More »

Anger as non-Catholics forced off the school bus

Parents in Flintshire have complained of religious discrimination after it emerged that non-Catholics wouldn't be... Read More »

Luxembourg considers new church tax in debate over future of state support

Luxembourg is considering a church tax as part of a range of possible measures to replace direct state funding for... Read More »

Calls for national debate over collective worship requirement in schools

Renewed calls have been made for a national debate about the requirement on schools to hold acts of collective worship.... Read More »

Secularists query decision to reinstate registrar who refused to conduct same-sex weddings

The National Secular Society has criticised a decision by Central Bedfordshire Council to reinstate a Christian registrar... Read More »

Secularists express concern over council decision to accommodate religious refusal to conduct same-sex weddings

The National Secular Society has expressed concern at a decision by Central Bedfordshire Council to reinstate a Christian registrar who was previously dismissed after refusing to conduct same-sex weddings. Read More »

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