
Prime Minister 'blinkered to ignore role faith schools play in segregating communities'

Despite criticising "segregated" education, Prime Minister David Cameron has defended the continuation of faith schools... Read More »

Secularists defend non-believers and religious minorities in debate on freedom of belief

Honorary associates of the NSS have spoken out over the persecution of secularists, non-believers and religious minorities... Read More »

Kurdish secularists appeal for international support

The Kurdistan Secular Centre (KSC) is appealing for international help and support to promote secularism and the separation... Read More »

NSS welcomes Caroline Lucas’ bill on compulsory PSHE and sex education

Caroline Lucas MP has urged the Government to make personal, social and health education (PSHE) compulsory in all... Read More »

Renewed warnings of extremism on UK university campuses

New research has warned that a 'culture conducive' to non-violent extremism has emerged on campuses and that universities... Read More »

Government presses on with new Sikh free school despite council objections

The Government has approved plans for a new Sikh ethos free school in Derby, despite the fact that the City Council... Read More »

Champion secular, human rights approach in struggle against extremism, says Quilliam

The counter-extremism think tank Quilliam has urged the Government to base counter-extremism efforts around human... Read More »

Religious chaplaincy costs NHS £23.5 million a year

Figures published in the Independent have revealed that NHS Trusts spent over £23 million on religious chaplaincy... Read More »

Diocese stresses “purity” and “virtue of chastity” in Catholic schools’ sex education guidelines

New guidelines from the Diocese of Portsmouth say that Catholic schools should promote "chastity" as the "underlying... Read More »

Demos warns of ethnic segregation in minority faith schools

Research by the think tank Demos has warned that British schools are "highly segregated" and that "some faith schools... Read More »

Huge gulf between Catholics and Church leaders over social issues, survey finds

A survey of Catholics in England and Wales has found a very large gap between their views and the teachings of the... Read More »

Cambridge councillors take stand against new faith schools, call for inclusive education

Cambridgeshire councillors have lambasted "segregation" caused by faith schools and recommended against building new... Read More »

Secularism and tolerance go hand in hand

There's nothing "anti-Christian" about a society that sets about dismantling historic religious privilege, argues Stephen Evans. Read More »

Student secular society’s website deleted after “ominous” threat sent from Saudi Arabia

The Manchester Free Speech and Secular Society's website has been deleted, shortly after the group received a message... Read More »

NSS briefs UN committee on state of children’s rights

The National Secular Society has warned that faith schools are becoming increasingly divisive and inimical to the... Read More »

Academy teaches “abstinence” as contraception and sex education in line with the “Maker’s Instructions”

A parent has raised serious concerns with the National Secular Society over the strongly religious nature of sex and... Read More »

Widespread local denial over Trojan Horse, as DfE accuses select committee of ‘downplaying’ the scandal

A Birmingham councillor has warned of widespread local denial over the Trojan Horse scandal, days after the DfE said... Read More »

Supreme Court legalises same-sex marriage across USA

In an historic case the US Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that same-sex couples have a legal right to marriage.

Justice... Read More »

International groups highlight global persecution of non-religious and religious minorities

Secular human rights organisations have called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to promote "genuine respect... Read More »

No plans to review 50% free schools admissions cap, says DfE

The National Secular Society has welcomed assurances from the Department for Education that it has no plans to permit... Read More »

Imam joins secularists and Christians in defending Pastor James McConnell’s free speech

An Islamic scholar has said he is willing to go to prison to defend the free speech of Northern Ireland Pastor James... Read More »

Ireland strongly criticised by UN for domination of religious schools over education system

The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has called on Ireland to "increase the... Read More »

Islamic scholar releases extensive theological rebuttal of extremist ideology

An Islamic scholar has released an extensive syllabus for use by teachers and children which seeks to rebut extremist... Read More »

Hundreds of students sign petition calling on their school to end Christian religious assemblies

In just three days over 300 students at a Scottish High School signed a petition against compulsory Christian assemblies.... Read More »

MPs express support for secularism in Bangladesh

Several Members of Parliament have praised secularism in a debate on Bangladesh, and the NSS is calling on them to... Read More »

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