
Easter polls show that most Britons aren't interested in religion

An Easter Saturday YouGov poll for The Sun, in which a representative sample of 1,742 adults aged 18 and over was... Read More »

Eric Pickles is behaving like a dictator over council prayers

The National Secular Society has accused Communities Secretary Eric Pickles of behaving like a dictator by unilaterally... Read More »

In a “revolutionary” move, Poland to reduce subsidies to the Catholic Church

In an unprecedented move that is seen by some as "revolutionary", the Polish government is seeking to realign its... Read More »

Council prayers decision continues to provoke controversy

A Muslim councillor in Reigate in Surrey claims he has been deselected by the local Conservative Party after he objected... Read More »

Gove backs voluntary cap on faith-based admissions in new Catholic school

The Education Secretary Michael Gove has suggested that cap on faith-based admissions at a proposed new faith school... Read More »

Church wants another tax privilege

The Church of England is up in arms that the Government has removed zero-rated VAT status from the cost of alterations... Read More »

Lady Massey asks why children are forced into collective worship

Baroness Massey of Darwen has asked a Parliamentary Question in the House of Lords about whether allowing non-religious... Read More »

Lord Alton wants the Government to change a law that doesn’t exist

The Christian fantasy that the Government has banned the wearing of crosses in the workplace was brought down to earth... Read More »

Essex County Council scraps transport subsidy for “faith schools”

A school bus subsidised by Essex County Council which took pupils to two "faith schools" has been scrapped. The county... Read More »

Why US Catholics are leaving the Church

A survey of lapsed Catholics has tried to get to the root of why they abandoned the church. The findings were based... Read More »

Tunisia opts for democracy

Tunisia's ruling Islamist Ennahda Party has ruled that the country will remain constitutionally secular and sharia... Read More »

Lords Reform Committee to recommend retention of the bishops' bench

According to a BBC report, recommendations from the Parliamentary Joint Committee on House of Lords Reform due to... Read More »

Christian MPs defend adverts claiming prayer can heal

Three Christian MPs are trying to overturn an advertising ban on claims that 'God can heal'. They are Gary Streeter... Read More »

Dutch Catholic Church under fire for castrating teenagers

At least 10 teenage boys or men under the age of 21 were surgically castrated "to get rid of homosexuality" while... Read More »

Norway continues the long process of disestablishing the Lutheran Church

Major steps toward the disestablishment of Norway's state church, the (Lutheran) Church of Norway, were passed by... Read More »

Irish Government powerless to stop funding school chaplains

As Ireland sinks once more back into recession, the Department of Education has been told that it cannot legally cut... Read More »

Church of England proposes large-scale expansion of its influence in education

The Church School of the Future, a 39-page report compiled by Dr Priscilla Chadwick for the Church of England, says... Read More »

More Catholics rebel against hierarchy’s homophobia

Reports suggest that the controversial bishops' letter opposing gay marriage which was supposed to be read out to... Read More »

An unbridgeable gulf separates Norway and the Holy See on women’s rights at the United Nations

Two very contrasting statements about abortion and contraception were made this week at the 56th session of the Commission... Read More »

You can trust us to run welfare services, say religious groups — but for how long?

New academic research released this week claims that welfare services provided by religious groups do not, on the... Read More »

Peter Tatchell named Secularist of the Year 2012

Human Rights campaigner Peter Tatchell was the winner of this year's award for Secularist of the Year. He was presented... Read More »

Queen Mary Sharia Talk goes ahead despite Islamist intimidation

On Wednesday, Anne Marie Waters and Maryam Namazie spoke on "sharia law and human rights" on behalf of the One Law... Read More »

Same-sex marriage – your opinions sought

The Government has launched its three-month long consultation on the legalisation of same sex civil marriages in England... Read More »

Parking privileges for Christians in York

York City Council has made exemptions for churches from controversial new parking restrictions.

New rules will ban... Read More »

Bideford Council drops appeal over council prayers

Bideford Town Council has decided not to appeal the High Court's decision that putting prayers on agendas is unlawful.... Read More »

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