
British Social Attitudes Survey shows religion in rapid decline in Britain

The latest British Social Attitudes Survey paints a grim picture for the future of religion in this country.

More councils re-evaluate prayers at meetings

The NSS's council prayer challenge has caused other councils to reconsider their policies.

NSS argues for an end to council prayers at High Court

The National Secular Society's challenge to prayers in local council meetings was heard in the High Court on Friday... Read More »

Liberal Catholics implore President Obama not to turn his back on women

In an open letter to President Obama published on Monday's New York Times op-ed page, the liberal pressure group Catholics... Read More »

Despite denials, Dutch Catholic Church knew of child abuse as early as 1954

A Dutch investigative TV programme has uncovered documents in church archives that show that the Catholic Church was... Read More »

Councillor calls on scouts and guides to drop religious requirements

A town councillor from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council in Lancashirehas called for youth groups such as Scouts... Read More »

Secularists criticise supposed EU dialogue with non-believers as biased

This year's Secularist of the Year winner, Sophie in 't Veld MEP, stormed out of a meeting at the European Parliament... Read More »

Archbishop pleads for the retention of the bishops’ bench in Lords

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, this week appeared before the parliamentary committee looking into reform... Read More »

Gloucester County Council ditches prayers

The Chairman of Gloucester County Council has ended the practice of saying prayers before council meetings. Conservative... Read More »

NSS Challenge to Council prayers reaches the High Court

The National Secular Society's challenge to prayers in local council meetings is to be heard in the High Court on... Read More »

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish misogyny on the rise in Israel

Concerns are rising that gender segregation is on the increase inIsrael, especially in Jerusalem where ultra-Orthodox... Read More »

Irish Government’s advisory group recommends taking schools away from Catholic Church

The domination of Irish primary schools by the Catholic Church must end, says a Government advisory group in an interim... Read More »

Wakefield, Middlesbrough & Hartlepool latest to scrap “faith school” transport subsidies

Local Councils in Wakefield, West Yorkshire and Hartlepool are consulting on scrapping discretionary free bus passes... Read More »

Sikhs can wear daggers at “religion-friendly” Olympic Games

Even though immense security arrangements are being put in place to protect the Olympic Games in London next year,... Read More »

Concealing child abuse must be made into a criminal offence, NSS urges UN

The National Secular Society has made a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council asking it to press the... Read More »

Prime Minister to send a Bible to every school

The Times Educational Supplement is reporting this morning that the Prime Minister is planning to send a King James... Read More »

Time for the Church of England to distance itself from these bigots

It is nearly half a century since this country stopped treating gay people as criminals, but the seething undercurrent... Read More »

193 chaplains for Olympic Village

London's Olympic Village will reportedly recruit 193 chaplains from various religions.

Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas and archbishops don’t vote for an elected second chamber

In a response to the Government's consultation on its proposals to reform the House of Lords, the Archbishop of Canterbury... Read More »

Catholic leaders panic as more councils cut “faith school” bus subsidies

As local authorities around the country cut subsidised transport to religious schools, the Catholic establishment... Read More »

Another woman refused morning after pill by religious pharmacist

A Hartlepool woman has been refused the morning after pill by a pharmacist on the grounds of "religious conscience".... Read More »

Religion and government must not mix in America, say experts

Senior academics in the United States have stressed that separation of church and state in public life is essential... Read More »

Religious leaders on their marks for Olympics

In the hope that they can push religion into the forefront of the Olympic Games inLondon, leaders of nine major religions... Read More »

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