
Secularism and the assisted dying debate

The recent report on assisted dying by the Falconer Commission has caused a strong division between supporters and... Read More »

Students defend freedom of expression at University College London

The Atheist Secular Humanist group at University College London (UCLASH) has been asked by the Students' Union to... Read More »

8% of Australian schools opt for secular school support workers

About 200 schools around Australia are planning to stop employing religious chaplains, hiring secular welfare workers... Read More »

Mosques out of step with needs of young Muslims, says prison advisor

Young Muslim men are turning away from religion in their droves because of the old-fashioned attitudes in Britain's... Read More »

Czech churches to receive massive compensation at the expense of struggling economy

The Czech government approved a plan on Wednesday to return property confiscated from churches during the 1948-1989... Read More »

Protest against Nadine Dorries MP’s Abstinence for Girls Bill

A demonstration has been organised for 20 January against the Sex Education (Required Content) Bill which seeks to... Read More »

Protest against Nadine Dorries MP’s Abstinence for Girls Bill

A demonstration has been organised for 20 January against Nadine Dorries MPs' parliamentary Private Members Bill.... Read More »

More local councils to cut “faith school” transport spending

More local authorities have announced proposals to cut free and subsidised transport for pupils attending "faith schools".... Read More »

Government survey shows Christianity continues to decline in England and Wales

A new Government-sponsored survey of 10,000 people shows that Christianity continues to decline in England and Wales... Read More »

Opus Dei to open new Catholic schools

The secretive, sinister and extremely wealthy Catholic organisation Opus Dei - originally started by supporters of... Read More »

Michael Gove personally killing RE, say enthusiasts for RE

The chairman of the Religious Education Council for England and Wales, John Keast, has accused the Secretary of State... Read More »

“Blasphemous” novel by NSS honorary associate leads to arrest of headteacher in Bangladesh

A book by NSS honorary associate Taslima Nasreen, which is banned in her native Bangladesh on grounds of "blasphemy",... Read More »

Poland adjusting to a more secular age

The Catholic Church in Poland was shaken to its foundations in October last year, when one in ten Poles who voted... Read More »

Lawyer recommends a single, secular oath to be sworn in court

Writing to the Herald newspaper, Scottish Advocate Sean Templeton has made the case for the removal of religion from... Read More »

Religious attack on free speech in India

A Judge in India has given social websites, including Google and Facebook, six weeks to remove all 'anti-religious'... Read More »

Another local council reconsiders prayers

A councillor in Winchester in Hampshire has called for an end to the saying of prayers at the start of the main council... Read More »

Latest revelations about Catholic child abuse bring promises of stricter laws

The missing chapter of the Cloyne Report into Catholic child abuse inIreland, and its subsequent cover up by the Catholic... Read More »

Another local council reconsiders prayers

A councillor in Winchester in Hampshire has called for an end to the saying of prayers at the start of the main council meeting. Read More »

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Cameron says he wants to "enhance faith-based education"

The rush by local authorities in England to cut transport subsidies to faith schools has brought a reaction from the... Read More »

'Faith schools' plan to up the amount of religion condemned as “brainwashing”

The National Secular Society has condemned plans by the Church of England to intensify the amount of evangelisation... Read More »

Nadine Dorries’ ‘abstinence for girls’ Bill – what you can do

A parliamentary Private Members Bill that would "require schools to provide certain additional sex education to girls... Read More »

Scottish regional council spreads the Gospel in schools

The Highland Council in Scotland has joined forces with an evangelical Christian group to spread their message to... Read More »

Quarter of the population say they intend to go to church at Christmas

Once more this year, a large number of people are lying about their intention to attend a religious service over Christmas.... Read More »

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