
Eric Pickles’ favouring of Christianity risks causing rifts in society

The Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles – and the Coalition Government as a whole – risks alienating huge... Read More »

Poll shows majority think councils shouldn’t pray

Two new polls about religion, which specifically asked a question about the Bideford case, illustrate an ambivalent... Read More »

Council prayers: doubts over Eric Pickles' “general power of competence”

The government is activating a power it claims will allow councils in England to hold prayers at meetings.

Communities... Read More »

Bideford Council will appeal council prayers ruling

Bideford Council reportedly decided last night to appeal against the High Court's decision that prayers during Council... Read More »

Hardline evangelicals seek funding for free school

A controversial evangelical church has announced plans to open a free school in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Jesmond Parish... Read More »

Christian hotel owners fined for refusing to let a gay couple stay

The Christian owners of a private hotel have lost their appeal against a £3,600 fine imposed on them for refusing... Read More »

NSS supports Freedom of Expression Rally

Several members of the NSS Council and several members of staff attended the One Law for All Free Speech rally outside parliament last week. Speaking for the NSS was Executive Director Keith Porteous Wood. Read More »

NSS supports Freedom of Expression Rally

Several members of the NSS Council and several members of staff attended the One Law for All Free Speech rally outside... Read More »

Muslims more successful at enforcing their religion from generation to generation

An academic study by Cardiff University shows that the proportion of adult Muslims actively practising the faith they... Read More »

Polish Airline bans display of religious symbols by cabin crews

Conservative MPs in Poland have complained to the national airline LOT that banning staff wearing the Roman Catholic... Read More »

Establishment means the Queen does not belong equally to us all

In a speech at Lambeth palace, the Queen told the Archbishop of Canterbury how inclusive the Church of England is... Read More »

Council prayers ruling starts national debate

Media reaction to the judgement on council prayers last week has inevitably been mixed while the public reaction has... Read More »

Religious proselytisers move into academy school

An organisation that lends out resources for religious education and provides training for religious education teachers... Read More »

Council Prayers unlawful rules High Court

The High Court today ruled that "The saying of prayers as part of the formal meeting of a Council is not lawful under... Read More »

Bishops lie about NSS chaplaincy campaign at the General Synod

The National Secular Society's campaign to get the church to pay the salary of their clergymen who are working in... Read More »

Catholic and Episcopal churches shrinking

Statistics from the latest edition of the Catholic Directory of England and Wales reveal a picture of a shrinking... Read More »

Why is the Government consulting the Vatican on national policy?

A large delegation of Government Ministers is to visit the Vatican next week to consult about British Government policy... Read More »

Miracle Soap claims lead to £25,000 fine for religious TV channel

A religious TV channel has been fined £25,000 by the media regulator Ofcom after it permitted a televangelist... Read More »

Sarkozy’s smoke and mirrors promises to religious leaders

As soon as politicians start sucking up to religious leaders, you can be sure there is an election in the offing.... Read More »

Vatican back in charge in Spain as Government promises to roll back abortion reforms

Spain's new right-wing government, headed by the People's Party, has announced that it will seek to reform the nation's... Read More »

Cheddar Parish Council vote to continue praying

A row has erupted at Cheddar parish council in Somerset over prayers at council meetings.

Cheddar parish councillor... Read More »

Advert claiming cure through prayer is banned

The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) has banned an advert by Healing on the Streets - Bath (HOTS) that claimed healing... Read More »

Ban lifted on Visions of Ecstasy after 23 years

Nigel Wingrove's infamous film Visions of Ecstasy has finally been given a certificate by the British Board of Film... Read More »

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