
FOI response suggests Government pressure over creationism at Giant’s Causeway

A freedom of Information response from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) in Northern Ireland... Read More »

Boy, 11, excluded from Scouts because he doesn’t believe in God

An 11-year old boy from Midsomer Norton, near Bath, Somerset, has been told he cannot join his local Scout troop because... Read More »

Another “Christian B&B” fined for turning away gay couple

A gay couple have successfully sued the owner of bed and breakfast accommodation in Berkshire after she refused to... Read More »

Fiji to separate church and state

The separation of church and state proposed in Fiji's new constitution will not be challenged by the Diocese of Polynesia.... Read More »

Islamic bloc abandons plans for global blasphemy law at UN

The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation has revealed that it has abandoned plans to introduce... Read More »

BBC to review its coverage of religion as part of “impartiality review”

The BBC has announced that it is to review the way it covers religion as part of a wider inquiry into its adherence... Read More »

Christians in Britain aren’t oversensitive about being mocked or criticised

A new poll of 2,000 committed Christians shows that most of them would not be offended by jokes about Jesus –... Read More »

Michael Gove wants to intervene in legal challenge to Catholic school

Education Secretary Michael Gove has applied to intervene in a judicial review considering the legality of a new Catholic... Read More »

Plans to tax church property in Italy thrown out

Italy's Council of State rejected a decree this week aimed at ending an historic tax exemption for the Catholic Church,... Read More »

Only a small minority of Arabs “profoundly religious” finds poll

A new opinion poll conducted among 16,000 people in 12 Arab countries shows that only 19 per cent consider themselves... Read More »

Council promises to review its “apartheid-style” school transport policy

Northumberland County Council has agreed to reconsider its policy of segregating children by religion on its school... Read More »

Vested interest claims schools are flouting RE legal obligations

According to the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE), a third of secondary schools in... Read More »

Belgian Catholics quit church over refuge for notorious murderer’s wife

Scandals and misjudgements in the Catholic Church in Belgium have resulted in a rise in the number of people seeking... Read More »

Secularist students kicked out of Freshers’ Fayre for offending Muslims with pineapple labelled Mohammed

Students from the University of Reading Atheist, Humanist, and Secularist Society (RAHS) were forced to leave the... Read More »

National Trust amends controversial creationism exhibit

The National Trust has amended an exhibit at its Giant's Causeway visitor centre which gave credence to the creationist... Read More »

Pastors telling HIV-infected patients to stop medication and trust in prayer

Leaders of some West African churches in the UK are pressuring patients infected with HIV to stop taking medication... Read More »

Parents object to school bus ‘apartheid’ in Northumberland

Northumberland County Council has introduced a new policy for school buses in which Catholic children get a free (and... Read More »

Swiss drifting away from religion

A large-scale study of Swiss attitudes to religion has been carried out by the University of Lausanne. They discovered... Read More »

French Minister warns aggressive Islamists – there is no place for you in our country

French Interior Minister Manuel Valls has warned foreign Islamists who do not respect the country's secular traditions... Read More »

Blasphemy charge over Facebook page that mocked monk – sign the petition

A man in Greece has been charged with blasphemy after he made fun of a revered monk on his Facebook page. It is thought... Read More »

Poll shows little belief in creationism in Britain

A poll of 2,010 Britons, carried out by Angus Reid Public Opinion shows that only 17% say they believe that God created... Read More »

“Insulting” evangelist cleared by court

A Christian activist who handed out leaflets at a Tesco store criticising the company for sponsoring the 2012 World... Read More »

UK signs agreement on “religious freedom” with OIC

Concerns have been raised by the National Secular Society that the UK's stance on free speech could be compromised... Read More »

Court clears German Catholic Church to kick out those who don’t pay them tax

Germany's top administrative court has supported last week's decree from the country's Catholic bishops that Catholics... Read More »

Secularism 2012: a great success

The National Secular Society's "Secularism 2012" conference — held in London last Saturday — was pronounced... Read More »

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