
It’s official: Britain is a nation of secularists

On the heels of claims from the Communities Secretary Eric Pickles that Britain is a Christian nation and that the... Read More »

Secularists tell UN Human Rights Council that Saudi Arabia is behind much Islamic radicalism

The Centre for Inquiry made the following joint statement with the International Humanist and Ethical Union at the... Read More »

Council of Ex-Muslims: Islam documentary must be shown

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) is calling for Tom Holland's Channel 4 documentary Islam: The Untold Story... Read More »

Pickles wrong to assign a ‘Christian ethos’ to Britain

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has surpassed himself in an opinion piece for the Telegraph headed A Christian... Read More »

Another sharp fall in religious affiliation in Britain

The latest edition of the British Social Attitudes Survey, which will be published on Monday (17 September 2012) will... Read More »

UK Government accused of not upholding freedom of belief

The European Court of Human Rights hearing on 4 September 2012 has heard accusations from applicants that the UK Government... Read More »

NSS intervene in landmark cases at European Court of Human Rights

Four controversial British religious discrimination cases are due to be heard at the European Court of Human Rights... Read More »

Free speech protest calls on Government to reform insults law

Protesters gathered outside Parliament today to demand greater protection for free speech by reforming Section 5 of... Read More »

Cromer Council agrees to take prayers off the agenda

Councillors at Cromer Town Council in Norfolk voted by 12 votes to one that in future those who wished to join in... Read More »

Request that teachers at Catholic schools make “declaration of faith” is McCarthyite and threatening, says NSS

A request that teachers at Catholic schools in the diocese of Lancaster make a "public profession of their faith"... Read More »

More religious censorship from advertising watchdog

The Advertising Standards Authority is once again acting as blasphemy-finder-in-chief as it bans yet another advertisement... Read More »

Russians want church to stay out of politics

A poll taken in Russia shows that 75% of the population wants the Russian Orthodox Church to stay out of politics.... Read More »

Row erupts over proposed 'charter for secularism' in Quebec

A proposal to adopt a 'secular charter' from one party leader has sparked controversy in Quebec ahead of the forthcoming... Read More »

Dawkins to speak at conference on Secularism

Professor Richard Dawkins has been confirmed as the keynote speaker at The National Secular Society's "Secularism... Read More »

Catholic Church doesn’t want to share its free schools with non-Catholics

The Catholic Education Service (CES) has been told by the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, that it will not be permitted... Read More »

Number of atheists around the world is rising

According to the latest global poll released by Red C Opinion Poll, part of WIN-Gallup International, a world-wide... Read More »

Woman who was sacked for wearing a headscarf loses religious discrimination claim on a technicality

A Muslim woman in London who claimed she had been sacked from her job in a luggage shop because she wore a headscarf... Read More »

Rush to register land as Chancel Repairs Act is modified

Residents, most of them elderly, of the parish of St Eadburgha in Gloucestershire had a nasty shock recently, when... Read More »

Secular group in Canada seeks to end prayers at local authority meetings

In a campaign that echoes the National Secular Society's successful challenge to council prayers in England and Wales,... Read More »

Charitable status of thousands of religious groups could be challenged

The Charity Commission is seeking to clarify the law on what constitutes a public benefit for charitable purposes... Read More »

Christian group targets schools with frightening and dubious anti-abortion message

A Christian group has been touring schools in Sussex telling children frightening untruths about the supposed consequences... Read More »

Victory for community school fighting merger with church school

Parents and teachers at a school in Dagenham who campaigned against its closure and amalgamation with a church school... Read More »

Swiss and Austrian hospitals suspend religious circumcision procedures

Two Swiss hospitals have suspended the performance of infant circumcision, after the ruling of a German court in Cologne... Read More »

European Humanist Federation: "Greece must abolish blasphemy laws"

The European Humanist Federation (EHF) and its Greek member the Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM) have protested to the... Read More »

Woking council to proceed with discriminatory 'free parking for faith groups' policy

Councillors in Woking have officially adopted a controversial new policy statement which gives free parking concessions... Read More »

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