
Majority of Britons want bishops out of the House of Lords

A Yougov poll for the Sunday Times has revealed that the majority of people in this country do not think Church of... Read More »

London School of Economics brings back blasphemy

The London School of Economics Students' Union (LSESU) has effectively made blasphemy an offence following protests... Read More »

Abortion counselling amendment to sneak in through the back door

This week, Nadine Dorries MP failed to get a second reading for her amendment proposing that abstinence teaching should... Read More »

NSS condemns secret plans to build giant Jesus statue on Primrose Hill

The National Secular Society has condemned a secret plan for a twenty foot high replica of the Rio de Janeiro statue... Read More »

Government resists calls to regulate madrassas

Children & Families Minister Tim Loughton MP has said that he is not convinced there is any need to regulate Britain's... Read More »

Census religion question questioned

Questions in test surveys by the Government before the last Census revealed more people said they had no religion... Read More »

Ofsted propose "no notice" inspections of independent schools

Ofsted, the education watchdog, is proposing to launch "no notice" inspections of independent schools falling under... Read More »

LSE Students Union “being manipulated by determined activists” over Mohammed cartoon

The Atheist Secularist and Humanist Society (ASH) at the London School of Economics has been told by the Students... Read More »

Council prayers ban upheld in US

The US Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from the North Carolina County Board who were seeking to overturn a ban... Read More »

NSS challenges the law: an insult should not be a criminal offence

The National Secular Society has submitted a response to the Police Powers Consultation, calling on the Government... Read More »

Pope attacks ‘radical secularism’ and orders US bishops to twist the arms of politicians over abortion

The pope has again railed against what he sees as the dangers posed by "radical secularism".

At a meeting with US bishops... Read More »

Church of England continues to shrink according to official figures

Provisional statistics released this week by the Church of England show the Church continuing to shrink. Average Sunday... Read More »

Parking privileges for churches challenged in Nottingham

Last year, Nottingham City Council decided to introduce charges for on-street parking on Sundays and evenings in the... Read More »

Spending public money on proposed Catholic jamboree in London will be vigorously protested

A priest in the Diocese of Westminster has begun a campaign for London to host the Vatican's World Youth Day in 2016.... Read More »

Islamist stops university debate with threats of violence

A talk on sharia and human rights by NSS Council Member Anne Marie Waters' at Queen Mary University of London was... Read More »

Norway set to allow police and judges to wear headscarves and hijabs

A Norwegian government-appointed committee is set to make recommendations that will allow police and judges to wear... Read More »

Solicitors say Catholic Church is incapable of stopping abuse and must be called to account

A group of solicitors representing victims of child abuse by clergy have written a letter to The Times (17 January)... Read More »

Expert panel to examine abortion law in Ireland

Pro-choice groups in Ireland have expressed hopes that a new expert committee set up by the Government will recommend... Read More »

US school ordered to remove prayer banner

A US District Court Judge has ruled that a prayer banner located in the auditorium of a Rhode Island High school is... Read More »

Advertising watchdog accused of excessive deference to religion

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has dismissed a complaint from the National Secular Society which had accused... Read More »

Government takes action to combat creationism in free schools

The Government has taken steps to ensure that creationism and "intelligent design" is not taught in free schools.... Read More »

Secularism under attack from European Parliament President

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, has launched a vicious attack on secularism during a European... Read More »

CofE takeover of schools progresses rapidly

A new secondary free school with a "Christian character" is being proposed in Hove,Sussex. It is apparently being... Read More »

Catholic schools are for religious recruitment, admits bishop

The Catholic bishop of Lancaster has said that the purpose of Catholic schools is to evangelise, and that if some... Read More »

Swedish teachers given permission to ban niqabs in classroom

Teachers in Swedish schools have been given permission to ban students from wearing Islamic veils that cover their... Read More »

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