
Monarch’s role as head of Church of England “unsustainable”

The National Secular Society says that the Queen's or any future Monarch's role as Supreme Governor of the Church... Read More »

Faith school transport subsidies under scrutiny

Cheshire East is the latest council to axe free or subsidised transport to faith schools.

The council took the decision... Read More »

Ofcom may close TV station after show condones murder for blasphemy

A British TV channel that broadcast a talk saying it is acceptable to murder someone who has shown disrespect to the... Read More »

Kuwait approves death penalty for blasphemy

Kuwait's parliament has passed a bill authorizing the death penalty for Muslims who curse their god, the Qu'ran, its... Read More »

Welsh Minister says Catholic schools may be breaking the law by opposing gay marriage

The Welsh Government has written to Catholic schools in Wales to warn them that they may be breaking the law in encouraging... Read More »

Councils abandon prayers following NSS High Court victory

A survey by The Sunday Telegraph has found that 40 councils have recently decided to drop, or "water down" the practice... Read More »

NSS call for Northern Ireland child abuse investigation

The National Secular Society has called on the Northern Ireland Justice Minister to launch an investigation into child... Read More »

Latest 'persecuted Christian' case dismissed by employment tribunal

The latest Christian to claim victimisation in the workplace has had his claim for religious discrimination dismissed... Read More »

Community and church school amalgamation plans criticised by secularists

The National Secular Society has challenged a London council over its failure to consult properly about proposals... Read More »

Michael Gove to investigate Catholic schools’ anti-gay petition

The Department for Education has announced that it will investigate complaints that rules were breached when Catholic... Read More »

Ireland rejects abortion law reform

The lower house of the Irish Parliament has rejected a private member's bill to ease the Republic's abortion laws.... Read More »

Protest as Gideons’ attempt to get Scottish police forces to hand out Bibles

Gideons International has offered commemorative editions of the New Testament and Psalms to the Scottish police forces... Read More »

Tribunal kicks out claim that calling someone ‘darling’ amounts to religious discrimination

A claim of religious discrimination was so ridiculous that it was thrown out of an employment tribunal this week before... Read More »

Catholic Education Service is abusing its authority in state schools

The National Secular Society has accused the Catholic Education Service (CES) of abusing its authority by contacting... Read More »

Increased religious representation in the House of Lords would be a disaster

The suggestion from the House of Lords Reform Committee that representatives from "all major faiths" should be appointed... Read More »

Boris Johnson attacks “secularist agenda”

All but one of the leading future mayoral hopefuls in London declared or implied that they had no religious faith... Read More »

Survey shows belief in God declining worldwide

Belief in God is declining gradually worldwide, with faith highest among older people, a report released by the University... Read More »

Kuwait must not impose death penalty for blasphemy, says Amnesty

A proposed legal amendment that would make blasphemy a crime punishable by death in Kuwait would be a massive step... Read More »

Dutch liberals drop support for abolition of blasphemy law

A fundamentalist Christian political party is holding the Dutch Parliament to ransom as it forces a backtracking on... Read More »

NSS challenges Bear Grylls over Scouts inclusivity claims

The National Secular Society has written to Chief Scout Bear Grylls to challenge his recent claims that scouting is... Read More »

Poll shows Catholic Church completely out of touch with modern Irish society

An extensive survey of Irish Catholics has found widespread dissent from Church teachings, particularly on questions... Read More »

Student Secularist Award announced

The NSS in collaboration with the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) is... Read More »

Oxford alumnus protests against Christian Concern

An Oxford graduate has returned his degree in protest at his college agreeing to host a conference run by a Christian... Read More »

Tories to court ethnic and religious minority votes

One of David Cameron's advisors has said that Conservative politicians must do more to attract Muslim and Hindu voters.... Read More »

Irish bishops want religious education staying under their control

The Irish government is about to start the process of taking some schools out of the control of the Catholic Church... Read More »

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