
USA enacting more and more legal restrictions on abortion

In 2012, 19 states in the USA enacted 43 provisions that "sought to restrict access to abortion services," according... Read More »

Jury dismissed in Leicester trial of man accused of ripping up his Koran – no retrial planned

The trial has collapsed of a Leicester man who was accused of causing "religiously aggravated intentional harassment,... Read More »

Judgements due on landmark religious discrimination cases at European Court

The European Court of Human Rights will announce its judgement on four landmark cases of alleged religious discrimination... Read More »

Religion to lose broadcasting perk in Netherlands

The announcement by Dutch Culture Minister Sander Dekker that the government's plans to overhaul the way public broadcasting... Read More »

Even fewer identify as Christian in latest opinion poll

Hard on the heels of the release of the 2011 religious census results for England and Wales comes the publication... Read More »

Take action: urge your MP to support free speech

The House of Lords recently passed an amendment to remove "insulting words" from the scope of Section 5 of the Public... Read More »

One Law for All’s ‘Sounds of Freedom’ Song Competition –calling for entries.

The One Law for All campaign is inviting musicians and songwriters to create and submit their original material for... Read More »

MPs support bid to restore ‘public good’ presumption of religion

MPs have backed a bid by Conservative MP Peter Bone (right) to amend the Charities Act to restore the presumption... Read More »

French Government acts to protect secularism from religious extremists

The French Government appears to be lining up for a full-scale confrontation with the Catholic Church, which is increasingly... Read More »

Increase in proportion of non-religious in armed forces

Members of the UK's armed forces are still more inclined to claim a religious affiliation and to say they are Christian... Read More »

Catholic Church fails to stop Philippines contraception bill

The Philippine parliament approved legislation on Monday that permits government funding for contraception and for... Read More »

Sheffield Council latest to axe free travel to religious schools

Sheffield City Council is the latest to scrap free transport for children attending religious schools.

At a meeting... Read More »

Section 5 free speech campaign passes a major hurdle with Lords victory

The Reform Section 5 campaign chalked up a spectacular victory for freedom of expression on Wednesday evening when... Read More »

Kuwait introduces death penalty for ‘cursing God and prophets’

Kuwaiti MPs this week approved a law with a death penalty for Muslims who curse God, the Koran, all prophets and the... Read More »

New report shows widespread discrimination against people without religious belief

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) has produced the first report focusing on how countries around... Read More »

Most Europeans favour legalising assisted dying

The Swiss Medical Lawyers Association has conducted a Europe-wide poll to discover attitudes to assisted dying. The... Read More »

Census shows huge drop in number of Christians in England and Wales

Findings from the 2011 census for England and Wales have revealed the number of people who say they are Christian... Read More »

RC Bishop of Motherwell’s intemperate rant at the Prime Minister

The National Secular Society has criticised the intemperate rant at the Prime Minister, widely reported in the media... Read More »

German poll indicates a widespread fear of Muslims and Islam

The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has commissioned an opinion poll to find out what Germans think... Read More »

More people may believe in an afterlife than believe in God

Almost half – 49 per cent – of those surveyed earlier this year by the Institute of Education, University... Read More »

United Nations speaks out against Female Genital Mutilation

The United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution condemning female genital mutilation. This is a procedure... Read More »

New study of blasphemy law around the world

According to a Pew Forum study released last week, eight out of 45 European countries have blasphemy laws on their... Read More »

NSS welcomes consultation on Scouts Promise

News that the Scout Association has decided to review its policy of excluding people without a religious belief has... Read More »

Netherlands to scrap blasphemy law

The Dutch parliament has accepted a motion that will abolish the law that makes it an offence to insult God. Supporters... Read More »

Netherlands to scrap blasphemy law

The Dutch parliament has accepted a motion that will abolish the law that makes it an offence to insult God. Read More »

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