
Section 5 Campaign takes major step forward

The Reform Section 5 campaign has taken a major step forward with the tabling of an amendment in Parliament to remove... Read More »

Polish court rules that ritual slaughter is unconstitutional and illegal

Poland's highest court, the Constitutional Tribunal, ruled this week that the ritual slaughter of animals by religious... Read More »

Poll shows Turks want secularism

An overwhelming majority of Turkish people want secularism to be included in the country's new charter, a recent survey... Read More »

BBC plan to ramp up the religion this Christmas

BBC Religious programming will go into overdrive this Christmas with the national broadcaster announcing copious amounts... Read More »

Muslim radio station fined £4,000 for saying homosexuals should be tortured and beaten up

A Muslim radio station in Leeds has been fined £4,000 by the media regulator Ofcom after one of its presenters... Read More »

NSS call on EU Presidents to protect women's right to life

The Presidents of the European Council and European Commission today heard a plea for greater protection for pregnant... Read More »

NSS questions new report on Religious Education

A new report from Oxford University, which says that teachers are afraid to teach religious education in case they... Read More »

Secularism defended during Lords debate on religion

The Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Falkner has given a spirited defence of secularism during an otherwise largely... Read More »

Tower Hamlets council approves £2 million funding to faith groups

The mayor of one of Britain's poorest boroughs is providing £2 million of funding to religious groups to help... Read More »

Secularist of the Year 2013 – tickets on sale now

Tickets for the 2013 Secularist of the Year event are now on sale.

The £5,000 Irwin Prize for Secularist of the... Read More »

Czech Catholic Church set to receive billions from state

Czech MPs have voted by a narrow margin to let the Catholic Church reclaim properties seized during the 1940s and... Read More »

Austrian Cardinal relocates to Brussels to insert Catholicism into EU policy-making

The Austrian bishop's conference held its plenary meeting in Brussels this month because it wants to be nearer the... Read More »

European research shows 32% of Britons are non-believers

Eurobarometer, the public opinion analysis sector of the European Commission, has published a report on discrimination... Read More »

Another Irish abortion scandal emerges

The Irish Government has paid substantial compensation to a woman who was forced to travel abroad for an abortion,... Read More »

If you can’t prove you’re a Christian, get off the school bus

Flintshire County Council is proposing to restrict subsidised school transport to religious schools to those pupils... Read More »

Supreme Court rules on compensation to Catholic child abuse victims

The Supreme Court has today ruled on a dispute between two Catholic organisations about who is responsible for paying... Read More »

Young Irish want an inclusive, secular state

A consultation among young people in Ireland initiated by the President, Michael D. Higgins (right), shows strong... Read More »

NSS welcomes court decision on Christian man’s Facebook comments

The National Secular Society has welcomed a High Court ruling that a Christian man who made anti-gay marriage comments... Read More »

Christian MPs accuse Charity Commission of having “secularising agenda”

Nick Hurd, the Government minister for civil society, fended off a barrage of criticism this week over the Charity... Read More »

Turkish government moves its Islamist agenda forward another step

Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has continued its attempt at step-by-step Islamisation of the... Read More »

Italian Catholic Church to pay property tax from next year

Italy's Catholic Church will be forced to pay taxes starting in 2013 after the EU pressured the country's government... Read More »

Brazil prosecutors in legal bid to remove ‘God be Praised’ from currency

A public prosecutor in Brazil is calling for the removal of references to God from Brazilian banknotes. Jefferson... Read More »

Maltese Catholic extremist examined for post of European Commissioner

On Tuesday, Members of the European Parliament examined Tonio Borg's bid to join the European Commission. Alarm has... Read More »

Almost thirty per cent of Brits now say they don’t believe in God

A YouGov poll (pdf) for the Sunday Times of 1,642 adults has found that 29% of respondents said they definitely don't... Read More »

Secular Medical Forum condemns Irish abortion law cruelty

The Secular Medical Forum has condemned the state of abortion laws in Ireland after a 31-year old woman died of septicaemia... Read More »

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