
LibDem MP wants to separate marriage registration from religion

A Liberal Democrat MP has tabled an amendment to the proposed same-sex marriage bill proposing a complete separation... Read More »

NSS makes history for the future

The British Library's announcement last week that it will archive much of today's online material for future researchers... Read More »

Religious bodies in sustained attack on French secularism

The French Government is at increasing odds with aggressive religious lobbies – particularly the Catholic Church... Read More »

Most Americans still favour separation of church and state

A nationwide YouGov poll for the Huffington Post in the United Stated shows that one-third of respondents would like... Read More »

Majority oppose ritual slaughter of animals

A new Yougov poll for the Jewish Chronicle shows a majority back a ban on religious slaughter. 45% of respondents... Read More »

Costa Ricans move towards secularism

The Catholic Church may be losing its grip on the Central American country of Costa Rica. At present, Costa Rica is... Read More »

NSS honorary associate Iain Banks terminally ill

Our valued honorary associate, the writer Iain Banks has announced that he has "months to live" after discovering... Read More »

Catholic Church to lose control of some schools in Ireland – could this be the start of a seismic shift?

Following a survey of parents by the Irish Department of Education, 23 primary schools across the country will be... Read More »

Is this a true history of religious education or a rewriting of the facts?

Secularists and humanists in the 1960s and 1970s played a critical role in stopping religious education in schools... Read More »

New research shows dwindling support for religion in Britain

The Sunday Times commissioned a new YouGov poll (pdf) among 1,918 Britons to find out what they think about religion,... Read More »

Prime Minister should ignore former archbishop's theocratic blundering, says NSS

The National Secular Society has urged David Cameron to ignore Lord Carey's "theocratic and anti-democratic blustering"... Read More »

Take action! Call on your MP to outlaw caste discrimination

The National Secular Society is calling on supporters to urge their MP to back legislation aimed at protecting victims... Read More »

Girl Guide troop kicked out of church hall because they didn’t attend services

A Girl Guide group in Hove claims it has been kicked out of its base in a church hall because its members don't attend... Read More »

Competition: Win a copy of AC Grayling’s new book

We have two hardback copies of AC Grayling's new book The God Argument: The Case Against Religion and for Humanism... Read More »

New guidance for doctors on personal beliefs in their professional life

The General Medical Council has updates its guidelines for medical practitioners – which includes updated guidelines... Read More »

Leeds City Council under pressure from vested interests over school transport cuts

Leeds City Council is coming under pressure over its plan to scrap free transport for pupils travelling to "faith... Read More »

Bradford issues a report on child protection in Muslim religious ‘schools’

An attempt is being made in Bradford to safeguard the estimated 9,000 children who attend Muslim religious schools... Read More »

Islamic veils still a source of conflict in France

Last week we reported on the case of a Muslim woman in France who won a court ruling that she had been unfairly dismissed... Read More »

Secularist of the Year prize fund donated to girls’ education in honour of Malala Yousafzai

The National Secular Society has donated its Secularist of the Year prize fund to a global charity campaigning to... Read More »

Prime Minister still desperately trying to placate religious bodies

Prime Minister David Cameron held yet another reception at Downing Street for religious leaders this week.

In an effort... Read More »

France’s top court rules that woman was unfairly dismissed after she refused to remove headscarf at work

France's top court ruled on Tuesday that a Muslim woman who was sacked for wearing the Islamic headscarf at work was... Read More »

Evangelical MP’s attempt to dismantle Human Rights Act and permit religion to do whatever it likes, falls in the House of Commons

A Conservative MP's Private Members Bill that sought to replace the Human Rights Act with a "UK Bill of Rights and... Read More »

Evangelicals put indoctrination ahead of education

A survey for the Evangelical Alliance shows that evangelical parents are more likely to choose a school for their... Read More »

University & student union fail to publicly condemn preachers

The University of East London (UEL) blocked an Islamist meeting that was due to be held on the Stratford campus last... Read More »

Parliamentary inquiry claims religious education in schools is “poor”

A report by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Religious Education (APPG) has found that RE lessons are frequently... Read More »

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