
Muslim free school plan put on hold over extremism fears

Plans to open a Muslim free school in Halifax, West Yorkshire in September have been put on hold after allegations... Read More »

Huge support in France for teaching of “secular morals” in state schools

Ninety-one per cent of people in France support the French Government's plans to introduce a weekly class in "secular... Read More »

Secularist attempt to strip Austrian churches of financial privileges fails

The Catholic Church in Austria has reacted "with satisfaction" at the failure of a referendum that sought to strip... Read More »

Fitnah! Movement for women’s liberation founded

A new women's liberation group called Fitnah! has been created as a protest movement demanding freedom, equality,... Read More »

Catholic midwives succeed in attempt to extend “conscience” exemption

Two Catholic midwives have won a legal battle for the right to conscientious exemption from all involvement with abortions.... Read More »

Despite secular constitution, Fiji government won’t rule out prayer at official functions

With Fiji set to become a secular state when the new constitution comes into effect, it has been confirmed that "general... Read More »

Ninety-nine people convicted of blasphemy in Malta last year

A report on human rights around the world from the US Department of State showed that 99 individuals were convicted... Read More »

Victory for campaigners as Government outlaws caste discrimination

The National Secular Society has welcomed news that the Government has climbed down following its defeat last night... Read More »

House of Lords renews support for legislation to outlaw caste discrimination

The National Secular Society has praised the House of Lords for its renewed support of victims of caste discrimination... Read More »

Report recommends directing homeless to church

A new report, funded by a number of religious groups and researched and published by Lemos and Crane, recommends that... Read More »

Poll shows we’d ask ‘deceased loved ones’ for advice before we’d ask a clergyperson

A Yougov poll commissioned for this week's Westminster Faith Debate has revealed the lack of extent to which people... Read More »

Romania considers introducing church tax

Media, politicians and, of course, the Orthodox Church, have been frantically debating proposed changes to the public... Read More »

NSS condemns Government's callous disregard for UK victims of caste discrimination

The National Secular Society has criticised the Government's "callous" disregard for victims of caste discrimination... Read More »

Campaign in Egypt urges citizens to remove religion from ID Cards

In an attempt to disentangle religion and citizenship, activists in Egypt are encouraging citizens to remove their... Read More »

Scots are abandoning their religion

Scotland, once one of the more pious parts of the British Isles, is rapidly becoming secularised according to a poll... Read More »

Concerns remain over non-religious Academy’s revised admissions policy

A non-religiously designated academy in Solihull that planned to give priority in admissions to pupils from two religiously... Read More »

Concerns remain over non-religious Academy’s revised admissions policy

A non-religiously designated academy in Solihull that planned to give priority in admissions to pupils from two religiously selective 'faith' schools has revised its decision. Read More »

Take action! Call on your MP to outlaw caste discrimination – Vote on 16 April

Take Action! urge your MP to ensure that proper legal protection is provided for victims of caste discrimination in... Read More »

Austrian referendum seeks to end church privileges

A referendum is being held in Austria aimed at ending the 1933 concordat that regulates church-state relations.

The... Read More »

Obama renews mandate of “faith-based council” and allows religious discrimination to continue

The Secular Coalition for America today expressed disappointment that on Friday President Barack Obama issued an executive... Read More »

Malta seeks to revise Vatican concordat on divorce

Malta is in negotiations with the Vatican about ending the Catholic Church's influence over divorce on the island.... Read More »

Free transport to “faith schools” axed in Leicester & Bath

Planned changes to school transport have been approved by councillors.

Councillors on Leicester City Council have approved... Read More »

Appeal: Modernising Leicester Secular Hall

Leicester Secular Society has launched an appeal to raise funds for the modernisation of Leicester Secular Hall. Besides... Read More »

IHEU calls for action on Bangladesh

Following the recent Islamist demands to introduce the death penalty for insulting religion in Bangladesh, the International... Read More »

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