
European Commission failed to implement properly Article 17 in EHF case says EU Ombudsman

On 18 October 2011, the European Humanist Federation (EHF – to which the NSS is affiliated) submitted a complaint... Read More »

Abuse ‘shatters’ German bishops

A leading German Catholic bishop has spoken of the "perfidiousness" of the way Catholic priests had used their power... Read More »

Belgian monarchy rocked by Queen’s tax avoidance plans

Belgium plans to slash the annual stipend of the dowager Queen Fabiola after politicians learned she had set up a... Read More »

NSS challenge Scottish Minister’s comments concerning adoption charity case

The National Secular Society has published an open letter to Scottish Government Minister Mike Russell, asking him... Read More »

NSS question Catholic Church's new restrictions on teachers

The Catholic Church in England and Wales has issued a new booklet warning teachers and governors at Catholic schools... Read More »

West London consultation on school transport changes

The London Boroughs of Barnet, Brent, Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow (collectively known as the West London Alliance)... Read More »

Last chance to take part in the Scouts consultations on the Promise

The UK Scout Association's consultation on the 'Promise' closes on 31 January. Please add your voice to ensure scouting... Read More »

We want secular schools in Dublin, say parents

Pressure is building on the Irish Education minister to establish a multi-denominational school in Dublin under the... Read More »

Scottish Catholic adoption agency ordered to comply with equality law

A Catholic adoption agency has been told by the Charity Regulator in Scotland that if it doesn't lift its ban on applications... Read More »

Only 7% think being Christian is important for being British

A new report from the think tank British Future (pdf) looks at what it means to be British. Among a wealth of fascinating... Read More »

I’m keeping Canberra secular, says Chief Minister

A spat about the separation of religion from governance has broken out between politicians in the Australian capital... Read More »

January is renewal time for NSS membership

January is the month when renewal of NSS membership becomes due. Thanks to everyone who has renewed already for 2013,... Read More »

Religious opt-outs make Australia’s anti-discrimination law a “bigot’s charter”

In a move that has enraged human rights advocates, the Australian government has given religious groups wide-scale... Read More »

EU Commissioner says blasphemy laws are undesirable in the EU, but it’s up to individual states to decide whether they implement them

The EU Commissioner responsible for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, Vivianne Reding, has said that blasphemy... Read More »

European Commission to investigate complaints concerning employment discrimination in ‘faith’ schools

The European Commission is to investigate complaints submitted by the National Secular Society concerning whether... Read More »

Government ordered to disclose details of free school applicants

A tribunal has ruled that the Department for Education (DfE) must publish the names, location and religious affiliation,... Read More »

NSS welcomes European Court of Human Rights ruling on 'religious discrimination' cases

The European Court of Human Rights has rejected three of the four landmark cases of alleged religious discrimination... Read More »

Victory for free speech as Government accepts reform of section 5

In a major victory for freedom of expression, Home Secretary Theresa May has bowed to the inevitable and agreed to... Read More »

Judgements due on landmark religious discrimination cases at European Court

The European Court of Human Rights will announce its judgement on four landmark cases of alleged religious discrimination... Read More »

Secularist of the Year – make sure you’re there!

Tickets are still available for the premier secular event of the calendar – Secularist of the Year. This congenial... Read More »

Sheffield hospitals plan to charge for non-medical circumcision

Hospitals in Sheffield carry out about 200 non-medical male circumcisions a year, costing the Health Authority in... Read More »

Catholic midwives try to extend the “conscience” exemption in Abortion Act

Two Scottish Catholic midwives who didn't want to supervise staff who carried out abortion procedures have appealed... Read More »

Putin’s privileging of the Orthodox Church in Russia may go too far, even for the patriarch

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a new bill into law that makes religious education mandatory for all schools... Read More »

Catholic priest in Netherlands denies he’s trying to pressure people to stay in the Church

After a rush by Catholics in the Netherlands to resign from the Church, a priest, Harm Schilder (right), is putting... Read More »

Obama calls religious opt-out in new defence bill “unnecessary and divisive”

President Barack Obama called a conscience clause for military chaplains in the National Defence Authorization Act... Read More »

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