
Prominent NSS supporters exercise their right to freedom of speech

Last week new NSS honorary associate Professor Lawrence Krauss caused controversy when he threatened to walk out of... Read More »

New poll shows religious leaders out of step with the nation

A new Yougov poll for the Sunday Times finds that the nation is split down the middle on the issue of whether it is... Read More »

Last chance to grab your place at Secularist of the Year 2013

There's just over a week to go until Secularist of the Year. If you haven't already done so, please book your place... Read More »

Labour MP calls for state intervention in Church affairs over women bishops

Labour MP Diana Johnson has attempted to over-rule the Church of England by introducing legislation allowing for women... Read More »

IHEU attacks Islamic states over freedom of expression

International Ethical and Humanist Union representative Roy Brown has again reminded Islamic States of their responsibility... Read More »

Leading Nigerian human rights advocate Leo Igwe to visit London

Leo Igwe, Nigeria's most prominent humanist and human rights activist will visit London later this month to giving... Read More »

Islamic group banned from UCL following gender segregation row

An organisation known as the Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA) has been banned from holding any events... Read More »

Secular Medical Forum challenges Ed Miliband’s support for religious circumcision

The Secular Medical Forum has condemned Ed Miliband's recent support for the ritual genital cutting of children and... Read More »

Sexual segregation at a UCL event a scandal, say students

University College London has launched an investigation after an Islamic group hosted a debate on its premises with... Read More »

Churches furious at plans to introduce Sunday parking charges

Church leaders in Carmarthenshire have reacted angrily to local authority plans to scrap free Sunday parking.

Carmarthenshire... Read More »

Pakistani secularists condemn attacks on Christian community

Secularists in Pakistan have strongly condemned attacks on Christians in the country after mobs ransacked a Christian... Read More »

Pupils must "prove" their religion to qualify for free school buses

Flintshire County Council has launched a consultation on proposed changes to its discretionary home to school transport... Read More »

Michael Cashman MEP to present this year's Secularist of the Year award

Preparations are well in hand for this year's Secularist of the Year and it promises to be a memorable occasion. Heroism... Read More »

Charity regulator upholds decision against Catholic adoption agency

The National Secular Society has welcomed the decision by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) to uphold... Read More »

IHEU reminds UN that Freedom of Expression must be protected

The main representative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union to the UN in Geneva, Roy Brown (right), spoke... Read More »

NSS calls on Environment Minister to consider labelling of meat from religious slaughter

The National Secular Society has called on the Government to consider mandatory labelling of meat from religious slaughter... Read More »

NSS welcomes vote to outlaw caste discrimination

The National Secular Society has welcomed a vote by Peers in the House of Lords in favour of an amendment to bring... Read More »

Sheffield Council to reconsider plan to scrap free bus travel to religious schools

Sheffield City Council is to postpone scrapping free bus travel for pupils attending religious schools after parents... Read More »

Poll shows widespread European indifference to the reign of Ratzinger

Most people think that Pope Benedict XVI – who ceased to be head of the Catholic Church yesterday – and... Read More »

Crackdown on secular intellectuals in Turkey continues

A senior astrophysics professor in Turkey appears to be the latest target of what academics and scientists in that... Read More »

NSS objects to new workplace guidelines on religious discrimination

The National Secular Society has objected to new workplace guidelines issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission... Read More »

Catholic Church’s attempt to evade responsibility for child abuse liability is stymied by Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has this week refused to hear a case from the Catholic Church that it could not be held responsible... Read More »

Surveys reveal attitudes to religious symbols at work

YouGov has been conducting surveys on public attitudes to the wearing of religious clothing and symbols in the workplace.... Read More »

Last chance to take part in Girl Guides consultation on the Promise

The Girl Guides consultation to discuss the wording of its Promise closes on Sunday 3 March.

Currently, girls wishing... Read More »

Shortlist announced for Secularist of the Year

The shortlist has been announced for this year's Irwin Prize for Secularist of the Year.

The award is presented annually... Read More »

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