
New exhibition to tell the story of Leicester Secular Society

A new exhibition is being planned to tell the story of Leicester Secular Society and its Hall through the 19th and... Read More »

Same-Sex Marriage legalised in England and Wales

The Same-Sex Marriage Bill has been given royal assent and is now law. However, the first marriage is unlikely to... Read More »

Muslim man who ritually slaughtered goats didn’t know it was against the law

A Somali refugee who improvised a halal abattoir in a private house where he killed four goats, has been sentenced... Read More »

Woman claims Catholic pharmacist made her “feel like a murderer” when she asked for morning after pill

The General Pharmaceutical Council is conducting a misconduct hearing against a Polish Catholic pharmacist, who allegedly... Read More »

Edinburgh secularists challenge religious interference in schools

Edinburgh Secular Society has published full details of all 91 unelected religious representatives sitting on the... Read More »

BBC reduces the amount of religion it broadcasts

The BBC has published its annual report which shows that the amount of time devoted to religion on the various BBC... Read More »

Nuns say they will contribute nothing to Magdalene Laundry survivors’ compensation

The four orders of nuns that ran the notorious Magdalene Laundries in Ireland have said they have no intention of... Read More »

Poland votes to keep ban on religious slaughter

Despite pressure from religious groups and farmers, the Polish parliament has rejected a Government bill that would... Read More »

Extremism fears prompt Government to scupper plans for Islamic free school

The Department for Education has scuppered plans for an Islamic free school in Halifax after alarm was raised over... Read More »

UN marks “Malala Day”

Malala Yousafzai, the inspirational and courageous schoolgirl from Pakistan's north-western Swat valley, who was shot... Read More »

Christian B&B owners who refused gay couple a room lose their appeal

The Christian owner of a bed and breakfast who was found guilty of discrimination after she refused a double room... Read More »

Catalonia plans to ban the burka

The Catalan Government has announced that it will control the wearing of burkas and other face-coverings such as helmets... Read More »

Tribunal rules that ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who wouldn’t work on Shabbat is entitled to benefits

An ultra-Orthodox (Charedi) Jewish man who refused to work on Shabbat has won an appeal against the Department for... Read More »

Muslim TV station fined for allowing contributor to incite murder

A Muslim TV Channel which allowed its airwaves to be used by a hate preacher to incite the murder of those who "insult... Read More »

New evidence that churches are completely out of step with society

New research for the Westminster Faith Debates shows that the Church of England is not only wildly out of step with... Read More »

Opponents of Channel 4’s call to prayer outnumber supporters by two to one

A new Yougov poll shows that Britons opposed to the TV broadcast of the Islamic call to prayer during Ramadan outnumber... Read More »

US Catholics bishops condemned for trying to impose their dogmas through law

An open letter issued by the American Catholic Bishops Conference which seeks legal restrictions on abortion and contraception... Read More »

Wirral latest council to cut free transport to religious schools

Wirral council is the latest to make cuts to free transport for pupils attending religious schools.

The Council hopes... Read More »

Church to take over thousands of community schools

The Church of England has struck a deal with the Government that will allow it to take control of thousands of non-religious... Read More »

BBC once more rejects non-religious voices on Thought for the Day

The BBC has announced today that it will not "revisit" the issue of non-religious voices on Thought for the Day.

The... Read More »

Russia cracks down on LGBT human rights and introduces blasphemy law

"President Vladimir Putin has signed into law the new anti-gay Bill that criminalises LGBT freedom of expression.... Read More »

Rowan Atkinson sketch cleared by Ofcom

A sketch by Rowan Atkinson that was shown on BBC as part of the Comic Relief fund-raising event has been cleared of... Read More »

Girlguides should not be allowed to use church halls, says CofE vicar

A Church of England vicar has called for Girlguide groups to be booted out of church halls after they decided to drop... Read More »

EU adopts guidelines on freedom of religion or belief

This week, the European Union's Council of Foreign Affairs adopted a report offering guidelines on the promotion and... Read More »

Malta wants to be rid of some of the Catholic Church’s oppressive privileges

The Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, and a delegation of his ministers had a meeting with the Pope at the Vatican... Read More »

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