
Somerset council proposing to end bus privileges for children attending faith schools

Somerset County Council is proposing to reduce subsidies for transport to faith schools in order to bring them into... Read More »

Swedish Ombudsman calls for ban on circumcision

The Swedish Ombudsman for Children has written to a newspaper calling for the country to outlaw the circumcision of... Read More »

Suggestion that France replace Christian holidays with Jewish and Muslim ones doesn’t go down well

An appointee to the French Government's National Observatory on Secularism has sparked controversy by suggesting that... Read More »

NSS members challenge judicial church service that reinforces links between church and state

Two members of the National Secular Society have written to the Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, asking that he... Read More »

Opinion poll shows big opposition to faith schools

A new, large scale opinion poll shows that a majority of people in Great Britain are against Government funding of... Read More »

Polls show widespread unease about Islamic face coverings

Two recent Yougov polls asked questions about the burka, niqab and hijab. The first for The Sun asked respondents... Read More »

Christian doctor’s ‘victimisation’ claims rejected by Employment Tribunal

A former paediatric consultant who claimed he was unfairly dismissed on the grounds of his Christian beliefs has had... Read More »

More revelations about the Derby Muslim free school

More revelations have been revealed by The Sunday Times about the Al-Madinah school in Derby — Britain's first... Read More »

Swiss canton to vote on banning face coverings

The people of the Swiss canton of Ticino, which lies in the South on the Italian border, are to vote in a referendum... Read More »

Non-Muslim women teachers being forced to wear hijabs at Derby free school

The Derby Telegraph is reporting that a Muslim free school that was set up as being "based on Muslim principles, but... Read More »

Thurrock is latest council to charge for transport to faith schools

Thurrock Council in Essex is the latest to decide that it will no longer fund transport for pupils attending faith... Read More »

NSS concerned over judge’s ruling that woman need only remove niqab to give evidence

The National Secular Society has expressed concern over a court's decision to allow a Muslim woman to stand trial... Read More »

Moroccan Christian jailed for “shaking the faith of a Muslim”

A Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelising.

Mohamed el Baldi, 34,... Read More »

Controversial eruv given go-ahead by local authorities

Local councillors in Harrow and Hertsmere in Hertfordshire have approved plans to erect a Jewish aerial boundary spanning... Read More »

Birmingham college drops ban on face veils

Birmingham Metropolitan College, which earlier this week issued a ban on all face coverings on college premises, has... Read More »

Gibraltar yields to campaign for opt out from religious studies in schools

A campaign by secularists in Gibraltar to allow students to opt out of religious education appears to have succeeded.... Read More »

Christianity dying among young people, but Islam soars

A large scale poll of 20,062 people, carried out for Lord Ashchroft, shows a dramatic decline in Christianity among... Read More »

Fiji’s new constitution may be secular, but it still undermines human rights, says Amnesty

Fiji's new constitution — which was ratified on 6 September 2013 — may be secular but it "falls far short... Read More »

France posts secular charter in all state schools

The French Education Minister Vincent Peillon has unveiled the controversial secularism charter which is to be displayed... Read More »

Charity Commission investigates evangelical church

The Charity Commission has begun a statutory investigation into "a number of serious concerns" relating to an evangelical... Read More »

Religious education falling out of favour with GCSE pupils

According to research from the Religious Education (RE) Council, the number of students taking Religious Studies GCSE... Read More »

Religious education falling out of favour with GCSE pupils

According to research from the Religious Education (RE) Council, the numbers of students taking Religious Studies... Read More »

Pope adds to the pressure on Poland to reverse its ban on ritual slaughter

The Pope has promised Jewish and Muslim leaders in Poland that he will do his best to overturn the ban on religious... Read More »

Islamic TV channels fined for hatemongering

The media regulator Ofcom has imposed fines on two Islamic satellite TV channels for hatemongering.

Noor TV, which... Read More »

Scottish secularists accuse churches of proselytising in schools

The Edinburgh Secular Society (ESS) has published a report criticising the increasing levels of religious proselytising... Read More »

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