
Muslim taxi driver penalised for refusing to carry disabled woman’s assistance dog

A Muslim taxi driver in East Sussex has been given 12 penalty points after he refused to carry a disabled woman in... Read More »

Courts are secular, says top family law judge

A leading family law judge has said that courts are secular – and so are judges.

Sir James Munby, president of... Read More »

Religious and conservative MEPs block vote on reproductive health and rights

Members of the European Parliament have blocked a vote on a progressive report that sought to promote the Sexual and... Read More »

Vatican signs new agreement with right-wing Hungarian regime

The Vatican has signed an agreement with the right-wing Hungarian Government this week, modifying the 1997 concordat... Read More »

£350,000 of taxpayers’ money wasted over an Islamic tradition

A High Court judge has expressed his bafflement at a case involving the Islamic tradition of shaving off a woman's... Read More »

Scottish NHS Trust pays £30,000 to Catholic Church for last rites service

It was revealed this week that a Scottish NHS trust is paying the Catholic Church £30,000 a year to provide... Read More »

Magistrates reject proposal for a single secular oath

The Magistrates Association has rejected a proposal from one of its members that it should end the swearing of oaths... Read More »

Secularists urge Scottish Government to remove non-elected religious reps from school boards

Edinburgh Secular Society (ESS) has lodged a petition with the Scottish Parliament calling for an end to the legal... Read More »

Polish Catholic Church on the spot over paedophile priests and child abuse cover ups

Polish radio is reporting that a man who, as a child, was abused by a Catholic priest has written to the Pope after... Read More »

New analysis shows very few people in England engage in religious activity

A new analysis of a survey undertaken in 2000-1 that looks at the way English people use their time has revealed that... Read More »

Ofsted report finds Al-Madinah school “dysfunctional”

A damning Ofsted report has found the Al-Madinah Muslim free school in Derby to be "dysfunctional" and "inadequate"... Read More »

New report highlights growing incursion of evangelical Christians into state schools

A new report published by the National Secular Society has revealed that publicly funded schools are being targeted... Read More »

Jewish faith school caught censoring questions on science exam papers

A state funded Jewish faith school has been caught blacking out questions on science exam papers.

The Oxford, Cambridge... Read More »

Al-Madinah Muslim free school threatened with closure

Derby's Al-Madinah Muslim free school has been ordered to take "swift action" to address concerns over the way it... Read More »

NSS welcomes introduction of alternative Scout Promise for atheists

The National Secular Society has welcomed news that The Scout Association is to introduce an additional alternative... Read More »

Judges call for one secular oath for all

Magistrates are considering proposals to replace religious oaths and affirmations with a single oath for all defendants... Read More »

NSS welcomes Ofsted analysis of the state of RE, but warns recommendations don't go far enough

The National Secular Society has welcomed a new analysis of the state of religious education in schools from the education... Read More »

LSE student Society intimidated at Freshers' Fair over "offensive" t-shirts

A row over free expression has broken out at the London School of Economics after members of the LSESU Atheist, Secularist... Read More »

Muslim employees in landmark win on religious discrimination

Two Muslim men working for Tesco have won a case of religious discrimination after having access to the on-site prayer... Read More »

Catholic Bishops step into Poland’s religious slaughter debate – and create a Church-state confrontation

The Polish Catholic Bishops Conference has issued a statement in support of the campaign to reverse the country's... Read More »

BBC Trust rejects Thought for the Day bias complaint

The BBC Trust has rejected a complaint of bias from the National Secular Society concerning a Thought for the Day... Read More »

Controversial Muslim free school closed by Ofsted

The Muslim free school at the centre of controversy over the past few weeks has been closed after school inspection... Read More »

Turkey’s headscarf ban lifted in latest assault on the secular state

Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, yesterday continued his programme of Islamisation of the country... Read More »

Nordic children’s ombudsmen take historic step to protect children’s rights

Yesterday, during a meeting in Oslo, Nordic ombudsmen for children, Nordic paediatricians, and paediatric surgeons... Read More »

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