
Council of Europe under pressure to reconsider its resolution condemning male circumcision

According to a report in the Times of Israel, the Council of Europe is to revisit last October's resolution which... Read More »

Study finds religious fundamentalism unexpectedly common in Europe

Religious fundamentalism is not a marginal phenomenon in Western Europe, nor is it restricted to Islam. This conclusion... Read More »

French Government denies it plans to lift veil ban

A new report by a French Government committee has created controversy after it called for an end to the ban on Muslim... Read More »

Universities UK withdraws its guidance on gender segregation

Universities UK (UUK) has withdrawn its controversial guidance that gender segregation could be permitted at UK universities.... Read More »

Majority of Britons believe state and church should be separate

A new Yougov poll has found that the majority of people in Britain think the Church of England should be separated... Read More »

Census shows Christians no longer a majority in New Zealand

The results of the New Zealand census show a similar trend to that of the rest of the developed world – with... Read More »

Religious-right lobby succeeds in sabotaging progressive EP report on women’s reproductive rights

After an extensive and well-organised lobbying effort from the religious right, the European Parliament has, on Human... Read More »

Big majority of disabled people support assisted dying for the terminally ill

Just 8% of disabled people surveyed in a new Yougov poll for Dignity in Dying believe that disability rights groups... Read More »

Court challenge to crucifix in Polish parliament fails

An MP in Poland has lost a court challenge to the presence of a large crucifix in the country's parliament building.... Read More »

Netherlands scraps blasphemy law – but seeks a way to replace it

The upper House of the Dutch parliament has voted to abolish the country's blasphemy law (Article 147), which has... Read More »

NSS welcomes appeal court ruling against Christian who refused to work on Sundays

A Christian woman who claimed she had been constructively dismissed from her job as a care worker because she refused... Read More »

Section 5 reform to come into effect in February

A free speech reform backed by The National Secular Society will come into effect on 1 February next year.

From that... Read More »

NSS intervenes in bid to prevent Church takeover of Suffolk community school

The National Secular Society is assisting local parents to block a proposal to convert a Suffolk community school... Read More »

Vatican ducks questions from UN on the worldwide child abuse in Catholic institutions

The Vatican has failed to answer detailed questions by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on cases of child... Read More »

New research reveals socio-economic segregation impact of faith schools

New research published by the Fair Admissions Campaign has highlighted the extent to which faith-based admissions... Read More »

Survey reveals schools failing to take religious education seriously

A third of community schools and over a third of academies without a religious character are failing to meet their... Read More »

School takes action to combat evangelism from external religious visitors

The board of governors of a community school in Sheffield has voted to strengthen its existing policy on religious... Read More »

Christian guest house owners who turned away gay couple lose court appeal

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the owners of a guest house after they had been found guilty of discrimination... Read More »

Human Rights Court considers the French ban on face coverings

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is today (27 November 2013) hearing the case of a French woman, identified... Read More »

Dutch lawmakers may backtrack on plans to scrap blasphemy law

Dutch lawmakers appear to be having second thoughts about scrapping the nation's blasphemy laws.

Despite a majority... Read More »

Feel free to annoy me: new campaign launched to protect free expression

The National Secular Society has joined together with religious groups and civil liberties campaigners to launch a... Read More »

Universities can segregate women and men for debates, says university guidance

A report just published by vice-chancellors' group Universities UK, has advised that segregation by gender in talks... Read More »

Leader of Russian Orthodox Church says it is dangerous to unite state and church while Putin declares Russia a secular state

Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that there is no question of the church and state... Read More »

Head teacher apologises after ordering pupils to attend Islam awareness trip or face punishment for 'racism'

A head teacher has been forced to apologise after threatening to punish children for racism if they missed a religious... Read More »

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