
A new secular settlement is necessary for a country where “no religion is the new norm”

The National Secular Society has stressed the need for a new secular settlement after a YouGov survey for Lancaster... Read More »

Arbitration Bill on religious tribunals and sharia ‘courts’ clears House of Lords

Legislation to tackle gender inequality and discrimination promoted by religious tribunals like sharia 'courts' has... Read More »

NSS welcomes moves by Church of England to fix the date of Easter

The National Secular Society has welcomed efforts by the Church of England to fix the date of Easter, something the... Read More »

Ultra-Orthodox schools still use corporal punishment, say campaigners

A charity and support group for former Ultra-Orthodox Jews has warned the Government that corporal punishment is widely... Read More »

Church of England collapse strengthens the case for a secular UK

Weekly attendance at Church of England services has fallen below 1 million for the first time – bolstering the... Read More »

‘Driving ban’ Charedi school criticised by Ofsted after emergency inspection

A school which threatened a 'ban' on mothers driving their children to school has been criticised by Ofsted for failing... Read More »

NSS backs plans for better safeguarding in supplementary schools

The National Secular Society has expressed broad support for Government plans to safeguard children and young people... Read More »

Catholic Church intervenes in NI abortion court case to restrict access to abortion for rape victims

The Catholic Church in Northern Ireland is pressing the attorney general to appeal the 2015 High Court ruling that... Read More »

Exam schedules re-arranged to accommodate Ramadan

The National Secular Society has warned that the rescheduling GCSE and A-Level exams to accommodate Ramadan must not... Read More »

Victory for free speech as Pastor James McConnell found not guilty over “grossly offensive” sermon

The National Secular Society has welcomed a court's ruling that Northern Ireland Pastor James McConnell is "not guilty"... Read More »

NSS welcomes minister’s commitment to ensure same-sex weddings can take place in military chapels

The National Secular Society has welcomed an intervention from Defence Minister Penny Mordaunt to ensure that the... Read More »

EHRC urged to tackle discrimination and unfairness of faith schools

The National Secular Society has called on the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to tackle issues of discrimination... Read More »

Icelanders turn to the ancient faith of Zuism to escape religion tax

Over 1% of Iceland's population have registered as Zuist in the past month to escape the requirement on taxpayers... Read More »

Tickets on sale and nominations open for Secularist of the Year 2016

Tickets are now on sale for Secularist of the Year 2016, to be presented by broadcaster and columnist Julia Hartley-Brewer,... Read More »

Verdict delayed in prosecution of "offensive" Northern Ireland preacher

The judge presiding over the trial of Pastor James McConnell – accused of sending a grossly offensive message... Read More »

Ofsted to prepare prosecution cases against staff of unregistered religious schools

Ofsted is preparing prosecution cases against the founders of unregulated religious schools after warning the Government... Read More »

National Secular Society defends cinemas’ freedom not to screen religious adverts

The NSS has defended cinema chains' freedom to refuse religious or political advertising after the Equality and Human... Read More »

New report warns of ‘escalation’ in global persecution against non-believers

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) has warned that worldwide "persecution of the non-religious has... Read More »

Muslim Reform Movement embraces secularism and universal human rights

A coalition of Muslim writers, activists and politicians has launched a "Muslim Reform Movement" rejecting violence... Read More »

Woolf Commission’s multifaithism 'completely at odds with the religious indifference that permeates British society'

A major new report on the role of religion and belief in public life has been criticised by the National Secular Society... Read More »

Muslim students try to disrupt ex-Muslim Maryam Namazie’s talk on blasphemy at Goldsmiths University

Protesters from the Goldsmiths University Islamic Society have heckled and aggressively disrupted a talk from ex-Muslim... Read More »

Church of England seeks special protection for failing faith schools

One of the Church of England's bishops in the House of Lords has put down an amendment to the Education and Adoption... Read More »

Call to overhaul RE teaching and rename the subject

A review into Religious Education has called for fundamental reform of the subject, so that teaching reflects "the... Read More »

High Court rules against Education Secretary for leaving non-religious views out of new RE GCSE

The High Court has ruled in favour of three families who challenged the Education Secretary's exclusion of non-religious... Read More »

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