
Religion-based Scottish education system needs to adapt to social change, say academics

A report into the influence of religion in Scottish law has said that Scotland's education system is out-of-step with... Read More »

Airline to be sued for asking woman to move seats to accommodate Orthodox male passenger

An 81 year old holocaust survivor is suing El Al airlines after she was asked to move seats because an ultra-Orthodox... Read More »

Students launch #Right2Debate campaign, as protest planned against NUS no-platform policies

A student-led free speech campaign supported by the counter-extremism think tank Quilliam is urging for reform of... Read More »

Call for Muslim women to be better informed about legal rights relating to marriage and divorce

A report from the Muslim Women's Network (MWNUK) has called for greater efforts to promote women's legal rights, warning... Read More »

NSS raises alarm over major flaws in Church’s sex abuse inquiry

The National Secular Society has warned that the Church's inquiry into their handling of the Bishop Peter Ball sex... Read More »

Welby says separation of church and state “would not be a disaster”, admits establishment has been abused

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said that while he is opposed to the disestablishment of the Church of England, the... Read More »

Religious rules in US Catholic hospitals putting female patients in danger

A report leaked to the Guardian has exposed extraordinary risks taken with the health of female patients by forcing... Read More »

Pope becomes more lenient on bishops over child abuse, again

The National Secular Society has strongly criticised Pope Francis' call for bishops who moved paedophile priests between... Read More »

Church stresses “urgent need” to focus evangelism on children, young people and their parents

The National Secular Society (NSS) has warned that publicly funded schools shouldn't be used for evangelism after... Read More »

Catholics for Choice defend secularism against Pope’s misrepresentation

A liberal international Catholic group has criticised the Pope for misrepresenting secularism in a joint declaration... Read More »

Church’s call to pray for Richard Dawkins is “cheap and nasty”, says bishop

Stephen Lowe, the former Anglican Bishop of Hulme, has criticised the Church of England's tweet offering prayers for... Read More »

Vatican tells new bishops they don’t “necessarily” need to report sex abuse of children

The National Secular Society has expressed its concern over guidelines for newly appointed bishops published by the... Read More »

Religious ceremonies exclude non-Christians and the non-religious, says councillor

A local councillor has called on Ross-on-Wye town council to move away from religious events and to embrace inclusive,... Read More »

Government praises “spiritual insight” of bishops in response to petition calling for their removal from the Lords

The Government has said that changes to the Lords are "important" but that the position of the bishops in the Upper... Read More »

Georgian blasphemy law to impose fines for insulting religion

Plans in Georgia to pass an anti-blasphemy measure with punitive fines for 'offences' have drawn criticism from a... Read More »

Birmingham Central Mosque leaders accused of downplaying domestic violence, forced marriage and extremism

Labour MP Khalid Mahmood has called on the embattled trustees of Birmingham Central Mosque to "consider their positions"... Read More »

Christian Concern back parents over accusations adopted son was “held down” at prayer meeting for an exorcism

Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre are assisting a couple whose adopted sons were removed, after accusations... Read More »

UN calls on Ireland to recognise needs of non-Christian children in the education system

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has criticised Ireland in its periodic review, urging the... Read More »

Test news post

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More than half of Americans still “less likely” to support a non-religious presidential candidate

A Pew survey conducted in January 2016 has found that Americans are still put-off by an atheist presidential candidate,... Read More »

‘Catholics-only’ school bus policy to be reviewed

The National Secular Society has welcomed news that a 'discriminatory' school bus policy, which gives Catholic pupils... Read More »

Schools where face veils are a “barrier” to learning and social interaction to be marked down by Ofsted

The head of Ofsted Sir Michael Wilshaw has announced that he is giving his "full support" to schools that "take a... Read More »

Government announces clampdown on complaints about faith school admissions code violations

The National Secular Society has warned that Government plans to stop secularist campaign groups from challenging... Read More »

French school pupils to be taught that secularism protects them

The French education minister has said that the meaning of secularism has been twisted and that teaching must be overhauled... Read More »

Petition to remove bishops from the House of Lords gains over 10,000 signatures

A petition to remove Church of England bishops from the House of Lords has gained over 10,000 signatures in the space... Read More »

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