
Protect the rights of the non-religious in education, says British Institute of Human Rights

The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has endorsed several recommendations made by the National Secular Society,... Read More »

Former deputy chair of NI education committee says teaching evolution ‘corrupts children’

Thomas Buchanan, a DUP MLA, has endorsed an event which seeks to teach creationism to children and said creationism... Read More »

UK must honour equality and human rights obligations, NSS tells UN

The National Secular Society has urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to recommend to the UK Government that... Read More »

Don’t wear red clothes or short skirts, ultra-orthodox rabbi tells Jewish women

In a letter sent to 5000 homes, an ultra-orthodox rabbi warned women in Stamford Hill not to wear "eye-catching" clothes,... Read More »

Nearly a third of French Muslims prefer sharia to secular law, research finds

Polling by a French think tank has found that more than one in four French Muslims, most of whom are young, support... Read More »

NSS intervenes at UN Human Rights Council over UK failure to outlaw caste discrimination

The National Secular Society has spoken out at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to criticise the UK Government... Read More »

New powers needed to investigate illegal religious school, councils say

The National Secular Society has welcomed calls from the Local Government Association to be given more powers to tackle... Read More »

Campaigns against school worship gain momentum in Scotland and Northern Ireland

The Humanist Society Scotland (HSS) has launched a judicial review against the Scottish Government following its refusal... Read More »

Government launches consultation on abolishing faith school admissions cap

The Government has launched a consultation on controversial plans to abolish the 50% admission cap on faith schools,... Read More »

NSS calls for inquiry into Government’s faith schools admissions reform

The National Secular Society has written to Neil Carmichael MP, Chair of the Education Select Committee, calling for... Read More »

Sharia divorce better than murdering unwanted wives, says Indian Muslim Law Board

A group campaigning for gender equality in India has called on the country's Supreme Court to end Muslim Personal... Read More »

NSS calls for rethink over Government plans to relax faith schools admissions rules

The National Secular Society has urged the Government to rethink plans to allow new faith schools to select all of... Read More »

Secularism 2016 Conference: Secularism ‘on the frontline of the most important issue of our time’

The National Secular Society kicked off its 150th anniversary celebrations with a conference on Saturday 3 September... Read More »

Councils ignoring illegal schools because they “don’t want to upset community relations”

Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw has warned that local councils and police are continuing to ignore illegal faith... Read More »

NSS accuses Government of showing contempt for Parliament and UK’s international obligations on caste discrimination

The National Secular Society has criticised the Government for "stalling" on caste discrimination after it announced... Read More »

Mayors defiant after French burkini ban suspended by Council of State

The majority of French mayors who have imposed 'burkini' bans are refusing to revoke them, despite a ruling from France's... Read More »

Last chance to buy tickets for Secularism 2016 conference

Our conference – 'Secularism 2016: Living better together' – is fast approaching, and it's your last chance... Read More »

Risk of religious and spiritual intimidation of voters “may be increasing”

Sir Eric Pickles, the former Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has warned of the danger of... Read More »

Government is irresponsible to lavish more funds on Cathedrals when the Church can afford to pay

The National Secular Society has criticised the latest wave of taxpayer funding for cathedrals, after the Department... Read More »

Abuse case dismissed despite Cardinal admitting ‘mistakes’

One of the most senior cardinals in France, Lyons' Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, has been told by the prosecutor that... Read More »

Sex education should be mandatory to help prevent child abuse, says former Solicitor General

Former Solicitor General Vera Baird QC, the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, considers that compulsory PSHE... Read More »

Donald Trump pledges to rollback American secularism

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has vowed to repeal the Johnson Amendment, a law which prevents tax-exempt... Read More »

Local councils lose challenge against unwanted Sikh free school

Two councils have lost a high court battle against the decision to have a Sikh faith school situated in the small... Read More »

Cruelty was normalised at Church of England children’s home, says report

An independent review into Kendall house, a children's home run by the Church of England, has reported "harrowing"... Read More »

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