
Judge rejects Muslim man’s bid to have children circumcised

A High Court judge has ruled against a devout Muslim who wanted his children circumcised, concluding that the boys... Read More »

Orthodox school bans mention of “evolution or prehistoric events”

Ofsted have written a scathing criticism of an independent orthodox Jewish school which has a policy of not referencing... Read More »

‘Blasphemy’ accusation after academic calls for separation of religion and politics

A Kuwaiti philosopher was questioned over blasphemy charges after she said that religion and politics should be separate... Read More »

Faith schools selecting pupils from more affluent backgrounds

A new report by the Sutton Trust has revealed how the most socially selective schools are likely to be faith schools... Read More »

NSS cautions against ‘moral panic’ over religious literacy

The National Secular Society has reiterated its support for improved religion and belief education in schools but... Read More »

Muslim women fight to change misogynistic Islamic divorce law in India

Muslim women in India are campaigning to ban 'triple talak', the legally-recognised way in which a Muslim man can... Read More »

Danes leaving state religion in droves to avoid church tax

The Danish Atheist Society has launched a bus advert campaign and website to show Danish citizens how to withdraw... Read More »

Inclusive schooling is part of the answer to social segregation of Muslims

The National Secular Society has warned that state support for faith-based education is fuelling the separatism that... Read More »

Spanish public schools to “inculcate” children of Muslim parents with “Islamic worldview”

The Spanish government has announced plans for a massive taxpayer-funded Islamic religious education programme which... Read More »

“Born-again Christian” who bullied junior NHS colleague loses appeal

A Pentecostal Christian accused of "harassment and bullying" against a junior colleague has had her appeal against... Read More »

Parliamentary RE group 'turning into a religious sect'

The founding chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on religious education has warned that the group... Read More »

NSS urges schools commissioner to reject church plan to control community schools

The National Secular Society has called on the Regional Schools Commissioner for the North of England to oppose plans... Read More »

NSS launches new app to bypass Thought for the Day

The National Secular Society will today launch a new app that will allow Radio 4 listeners to avoid Thought for the... Read More »

Faith school transport subsidies set to be axed by Lancashire Council

Lancashire County Council has come under fire from the Church of England over plans to remove transport subsidies... Read More »

NSS urges Government to fix the date for Easter now, not wait indefinitely for religious consensus

The National Secular Society has urged the Government to fix the date for the Easter public holiday without waiting... Read More »

Educate Together awarded ‘Secularist of the Year’ prize

The National Secular Society has awarded the annual Irwin Prize for Secularist of the Year to Educate Together, an... Read More »

Gender equality bills in Pakistan and Nigeria face religious backlash

Legislation to protect women and promote gender equality in Pakistan and Nigeria have generated a huge religious backlash... Read More »

Church cut contact with child abuse victim on order of insurers

A report by Ian Elliott, an expert in child safeguarding, has found "repeated failures" by clergy and bishops in the... Read More »

46% in England support legal limits on free speech where religion is concerned, poll finds

A new report on identity and immigration has found that nearly half of England's population support legal limits on... Read More »

Secularism best to create fair society, says new Pacific Islands Secular Association

The UK National Secular Society has congratulated the founders of a new organisation to promote public understanding... Read More »

BBC Trust rules against presenter who asked Christian Concern campaigner if she was a bigot

Former BBC presenter Iain Lee has said he is "flabbergasted" after the BBC Trust ruled his interview with a Christian... Read More »

Four Newcastle schools facing Church of England takeover

Four non-religious schools are to be merged with a CofE primary under a single academy trust controlled by the Church... Read More »

Vatican officials face prosecution in France over failure to report sex abuse priest to police

Senior Vatican officials are facing investigation in France over the "non-reporting of crime" and endangering lives,... Read More »

“Denial” in Bradford Council over illegal religious schools

Naz Shah MP has told Bradford Council that they are in "denial" over unregistered religious schools that are operating... Read More »

Bradford imam praises ‘martyr’ who murdered anti-blasphemy law governor

An influential British imam has praised the killer of the former governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, who was murdered... Read More »

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