
Conservative MP criticises division caused by faith schools

A debate in the House of Commons on the role of faith and grammar schools saw MPs quiz the Government over its plans... Read More »

“Complete segregation” of genders within Islamic school is not discriminatory, says High Court

Ofsted is set to appeal a High Court ruling that gender segregation by an Islamic state school is not discriminatory.... Read More »

CofE faith school to insist parents attend church for two years

A Church of England faith school in Heysham is considering changing its admissions policy to require parents to attend... Read More »

New Hindu faith schools proposed, despite warnings of worsening ethnic segregation

The latest wave of free school applications includes proposals for seven new Hindu schools.

Details of applicants proposing... Read More »

Scottish Government to consult on religious observance guidance

Campaigners in Scotland have agreed to "pause" their legal action on religious observance in Scottish schools, pending... Read More »

Counter Extremism Bill alarmed me most, says Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

The senior lawyer tasked with reviewing the Government's legislation on counter-extremism has strongly criticised... Read More »

Diverse schools needed to breakdown worsening ethnic segregation

Parents should be encouraged to place pupils in "diverse schools" to help tackle growing ethnic segregation, a major... Read More »

Open letter to British Gymnastics over decision to suspend Louis Smith

The National Secular Society has written an open letter to British Gymnastics calling on the body to reverse the two... Read More »

Louis Smith suspended by British Gymnastics for offending Islam

British Gymnastics have given Olympic medallist Louis Smith a two month suspension for breaching their code of conduct, after a video of him mocking Islamic prayer appeared in the media. Read More »

Plans to increase discriminatory faith school admissions ‘reveals an alarming democratic deficit’

The education secretary's power to relax faith school admissions without parliamentary approval or scrutiny reveals... Read More »

India debates replacing religious laws with one secular law for all

The author Taslima Nasreen, an honorary associate of the National Secular Society, has called on India to embrace... Read More »

Ashers Bakery loses appeal over cake with “Support Gay Marriage” slogan

A bakery firm which cancelled an order for a cake with the slogan "Support Gay Marriage" has lost its appeal against... Read More »

Joint Committee on Human Rights challenges the Government on ‘extremism disruption orders’

The Government has been criticised for failing to offer more detail on its long-awaited proposals for 'extremism disruption... Read More »

Press regulator sides with free speech in ruling on The Sun’s hijab article

The press regulator IPSO has cleared Kelvin MacKenzie over an article in The Sun which asked why Channel 4 had "a... Read More »

Church of England to consider cutting requirement for regular services

The Church of England is considering steps to abandon its current national obligations by lifting the requirement... Read More »

Scottish secularists challenge unelected church-appointees on Local Authority Education Committees

The Scottish Secular Society has launched a petition challenging the lack of democratic accountability in Local Authority... Read More »

The demonisation of Louis Smith: This is how a de facto blasphemy law works

The public castigation of a British gymnast for 'mocking Islam' is illustrative of a troubling return of blasphemy, argues Stephen Evans. Read More »

NSS calls on Parliament not to ignore religious infringement on children’s rights

In a submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights, the National Secular Society warned that religion's role in... Read More »

Faith school pupils punished for not attending mass

A group of non-Catholic students in a Scottish school have been punished with a week's worth of detentions after they... Read More »

New survey reveals Scots’ attitudes to religious symbols at work

The 2015 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey has found Scots to be increasingly accepting of ethnic and religious diversity,... Read More »

Strike over Polish abortion ban forces U-turn

Massive demonstrations in Poland have resulted in a government U-turn over a law which would have criminalised abortion... Read More »

Commemorations held to celebrate NSS founder Charles Bradlaugh

Two commemorations have been held this month to celebrate the life and work of Charles Bradlaugh, who founded the... Read More »

NSS: Andy Burnham’s claim that Muslims can’t trust the police is deeply divisive

The National Secular Society has criticised Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham for suggesting that British Muslims... Read More »

Holy See ratification of UN Convention against Corruption dismissed as “window dressing”

The Holy See's ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption has been dismissed as mere "window... Read More »

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