
Government refuses to review discrimination against teachers in faith schools

The National Secular Society has criticised the Government for refusing to accept a recommendation from the Equality... Read More »

Catholic education charity faces inquiry over handling of child abuse claims

A statutory inquiry has been opened by the Charity Commission into the St Laurence Education Trust and Ampleforth... Read More »

Call to found an Islamic faith school in Scotland ‘open to all’

An academic at the University of Edinburgh has called for the Scottish Government to open an Islamic faith school... Read More »

Sabbath swimming campaign succeeds, thanks to islanders and secularists

Local campaigners have succeeded in their effort to secure funding to open a popular swimming pool on Sundays –... Read More »

NSS urges Government to abandon plans to expand religious selection

The National Secular Society has responded to the Government's consultation on plans to remove the faith based free-school... Read More »

“Growing recognition” that circumcision of children is wrong, as Danish doctors call for it to end

The Danish Medical Association has made a "symbolic" statement calling for an end to male circumcision, arguing that... Read More »

Last chance to speak out against the Government’s faith school expansion plans

The Government's consultation on plans to open more faith schools and allow them to select up to 100% of their pupils... Read More »

Freedom of Thought report highlights the right to freedom from religion

The Freedom of Thought report highlights cases of individuals who have been targeted for expressing non-religious... Read More »

Over 40% of UK Muslims support “aspects” of sharia law

Policy Exchange survey, described as the largest study of Muslim opinion in the UK ever undertaken, has found widespread... Read More »

Major new equality report rejects opening the door to religious discrimination

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a major new report on religion and belief in the workplace,... Read More »

Help stop sabbatarians spoiling Sunday swimming

The National Secular Society is appealing to the Great British public to help a fundraising effort to open a swimming... Read More »

Faith school expansion plans ‘will not improve standards or boost social mobility’

Government proposals to allow a new wave of fully religiously selective faith schools will not improve standards and... Read More »

Thousands of missing children at risk of religious extremism in illegal faith schools

Research by the BBC has found that more than 30,000 children went missing from English and Welsh schools for "substantial"... Read More »

Malaysian PM to ‘empower’ sharia courts

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced plans to strengthen the power of Islamic law in the country, in... Read More »

It’s blasphemy to oppose having prayers in meetings, blasts councillor

A Cheadle town councillor has rejected objections to the council holding prayers in its meetings, saying it was blasphemous... Read More »

Evangelical ‘shoebox’ scheme faces legal challenge in American schools

The American Humanist Association has filed a lawsuit in Colorado to challenge 'Operation Christmas Child', an evangelical... Read More »

Bangladeshi society being destroyed by Islamic fundamentalism, says exiled writer

Exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen, who lives under constant protection, has told AFP that Islamic fundamentalism... Read More »

Britain has “turned a blind eye” to abuse of women by sharia ‘courts’

Powerful testimony from Muslim women has been published by MPs on the Home Affairs Committee as part of their investigation... Read More »

Record numbers attending Jewish faith schools as Orthodox numbers grow

Almost two-thirds of Jewish children in Britain attend Jewish faith schools, the majority of which are "strictly Orthodox",... Read More »

‘Catholic certificate’ breaches admissions rules, says Schools Adjudicator

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) has upheld several complaints against a "Certificate of Catholic Practice"... Read More »

Hackney fails to act over vast number of illegal faith schools

A senior Hackney Council education official has admitted that there are more illegally operating schools in the borough... Read More »

NSS calls for UK's public spending watchdog to investigate state handouts to churches

The National Audit Office has been asked to scrutinise the significant sums of public money that the Government has... Read More »

Church academy chain to close only secular school

A Church of England multi-academy trust is set to close the only non-faith school under its control.

The Diocese of... Read More »

BBC to increase non-Christian religious broadcasting

After criticising itself for devoting too much of its religious broadcasting to Christianity, the BBC is to consider... Read More »

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