
Ofsted head criticises segregation as Islamic school is taken over

The chief inspector of the schools inspectorate Ofsted has spoken out against gender segregation in mixed-sex schools.... Read More »

Ex-Muslims accused of 'inciting hatred' after criticising Islamic homophobia at Pride

A prominent group of ex-Muslims are facing calls to be banned from future Pride marches in London after a mosque complained... Read More »

Bradlaugh lecture to mark end of NSS’s anniversary celebrations

A lecture at Manchester Art Gallery will pay tribute to the National Secular Society's founding president Charles... Read More »

Malaysian state votes to allow public caning for breaching sharia code

Legislators in Malaysia's northeastern state of Kelantan have voted to allow the public caning of those who break... Read More »

Scottish government plans to roll back religious influence over education

The Scottish government is planning to curtail the influence of religious leaders over state education.

Under SNP plans,... Read More »

Sex education: schools’ religious ethos may ‘limit’ pupils’ knowledge of LGBT facts and contraception

More than 50 faith leaders have warned that schools' ability to teach relationships and sex education (RSE) through... Read More »

European court backs Belgium’s ban on face veils

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Belgium's ban on wearing face veils in public does not violate the... Read More »

Vetting in Scottish Catholic schools 'putting off non-Catholic teachers'

The leader of Scotland's biggest teachers' union has said fewer non-Catholics are teaching in the country's Catholic... Read More »

Women’s groups back appeal on gender segregation in schools

The schools inspectorate Ofsted is to appeal against a ruling on gender segregation in a landmark case at the Court... Read More »

More Brits than ever are non-religious, NSS analysis suggests

More British people are becoming non-religious, according to the National Secular Society's initial analysis of the... Read More »

NSS joins calls for inquiry into funding of Islamist extremism

The National Secular Society has joined calls for a public inquiry into the funding of Islamist extremism in Britain... Read More »

NSS calls for consistent action on religious persecution

The National Secular Society has reiterated the need to defend all victims of religious persecution after a government... Read More »

Single-religion schools and compulsory worship banned, South African court rules

Schools may not teach one religion at the expense of others or hold compulsory religious observances, a court in South... Read More »

Carey junior’s special pleading “an insult to victims”, says NSS

The son of the former Archbishop of Canterbury has said "changing attitudes" are behind criticism of his father's... Read More »

Ofsted boss commits to tackling illegal schools

The National Secular Society has welcomed a commitment by OFSTED's chief inspector to protect children in unregistered... Read More »

Secular medics welcome new pharmacy standards on ‘religion, personal values and beliefs’

The Secular Medical Forum has welcomed new standards for pharmacy professionals that protect pharmacy users from conscientious... Read More »

Government to make free abortion services available to NI women in England

The National Secular Society has welcomed news that Northern Irish women will able to get abortions on the NHS in... Read More »

Ireland’s education minister sets out plans to remove ‘baptism barrier’ to Catholic schools

Ireland's state-funded Catholic primary schools are to lose the ability discriminate on the basis of religion in their... Read More »

US Supreme Court ruling a 'blow to country’s fundamental principle of church-state separation'

A religious liberty advocacy group in the US has warned that a Supreme Court ruling that the state of Missouri must... Read More »

Welsh AMs to probe whether collective worship is compliant with human rights law

Two Welsh school students who launched a petition demanding the removal of the obligation on state schools to hold... Read More »

NSS joins calls for Lord Carey to resign from Lords and face criminal investigation

The National Secular Society has backed calls from abuse survivors for Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury,... Read More »

Church of England 'colluded' with sex abuse bishop and failed victims, says report

The head of the Church of England, Justin Welby, has admitted that the Church "concealed" evidence of child abuse... Read More »

Caste: Anti-discrimination groups issue ‘urgent call’ to participate in government’s consultation

The NSS has urged supporters to respond to a Government consultation on caste discrimination. The Society has assisted... Read More »

NSS calls for end to state funded ‘religiosity inspections’ in schools

The National Secular Society has called for Ofsted to inspect religious education in faith schools after research... Read More »

NSS calls on European leaders to robustly promote the “democratic value” of separation of religion and state

The National Secular Society today called on EU presidents to promote "democratic values", warning that past assumptions... Read More »

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