
NSS welcomes ruling: Islamic school's gender segregation unlawful

The National Secular Society has welcomed a landmark ruling in the Court of Appeal that an Islamic school's policy... Read More »

Student U-turn over Christian Union ban at Oxford College

Organisers have agreed to allow the Christian Union to exhibit at future freshers' fairs at an Oxford college, following... Read More »

More than 60% of Brits under 65 say religion does “more harm than good”

More than six in ten under-65s in Britain think religion does more harm than good, according to a new international... Read More »

Parents protest plan to merge non-religious school into Christian one

Parents and children have taken to the streets to protest plans to merge Trafalgar College, a school without a religious... Read More »

NSS seeks end to religious exemption amid sharp rise in non-stun slaughter

The National Secular Society has written to Environment Secretary Michael Gove urging him to remove the religious... Read More »

Restrictions on religion higher in countries with official religions - report

Countries with an official or preferred religion are "more likely to place a high level of government restrictions... Read More »

City of London asks for secular message at official dinner

The City of London has asked the Lord Mayor's chaplain to give a religiously-neutral message, rather than a Christian... Read More »

LSE accepts gender-segregated event was unlawful

The London School of Economics (LSE) has accepted that gender segregation at a dinner held by its Student Union's... Read More »

NSS calls for end of Anglican judges’ services

The National Secular Society has written to the Justice Secretary to ask him to scrap annual Anglican services that... Read More »

Ireland to vote on liberalising abortion and blasphemy laws

Ireland is to hold referenda on changing its laws on abortion and blasphemy next year.

Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime... Read More »

Belgian federal committee rules against ritual circumcision

A Belgian federal government committee has ruled against the circumcision of infant boys for reasons other than medical... Read More »

'Life and society' classes to replace religious education in Luxembourg schools

Luxembourg has abolished religious teaching in schools, as part of the government's plan to separate church and state... Read More »

‘Religious segregation under one roof' proposed for Isle of Man school

A faith school will co-locate with a non-religious school while retaining a faith-based ethos, in what the National... Read More »

Labour MPs look at applying Catholic social teaching to public policy

Eight Labour MPs have launched a group calling on their party to "explore and supply" the application of Catholic... Read More »

Girls forced to wear hijabs in English schools, NSS reveals

Girls in dozens of schools in England are forced to wear hijabs, according to National Secular Society research published... Read More »

NSS urges councillors to stop forcing non-stunned halal meat on pupils

The National Secular Society has written to councillors in Lancashire urging them to stop imposing unstunned meat... Read More »

RE needs “strategic, urgent intervention”, says independent report

Religious education in England faces "a perilous future" unless it is subject to "strategic, urgent intervention",... Read More »

Ofsted repeatedly fails dozens of independent faith schools

Dozens of small independent faith schools have repeatedly failed to meet Ofsted standards in the last three years,... Read More »

Government must outlaw caste discrimination, says NSS

The National Secular Society has promised to "actively support" efforts to outlaw caste discrimination after calling... Read More »

Schools sidelining RE, survey finds

The National Secular Society has called for a 'fundamental rethink' about religious education after new research revealed... Read More »

Just 6% of British adults are practising Christians, survey finds

Only 6% of adults in Britain are practising Christians and very few of them decided to become Christians during adulthood,... Read More »

Inclusion of trans pupils violates religious rights, claim parents

Parents of a pupil at a Church of England primary school have withdrawn their 6-year-old son in protest at the school... Read More »

Campaigners raise concern over hijab in primary schools

Feminist campaigners are calling for a "robust" response after it emerged that many state primary schools are incorporating... Read More »

NSS asks Lords committee on citizenship to promote secular principles

The National Secular Society has called on Britain to celebrate equality and respect for secular democracy, the rule... Read More »

NSS welcomes Conway Hall launch of 'Victorian Blogging' project

The National Secular Society has welcomed a new project from Conway Hall which will highlight the work of Victorian... Read More »

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