
CoE faced 3,300 safeguarding concerns or abuse allegations in 2016

CoE faced 3,300 safeguarding concerns or abuse allegations in 2016

The Church of England handled more than 3,000 safeguarding concerns or allegations of abuse in 2016, according to... Read More »

Council launches consultation on unstunned meat plan for schools

Council launches consultation on unstunned meat plan for schools

Lancashire County Council has launched a consultation on its plans to stop supplying unstunned meat to schools after... Read More »

NSS urges Government not to be pushed into funding Church repairs

NSS urges Government not to be pushed into funding Church repairs

The National Secular Society has urged the Government to take the Church of England's vast wealth into account before... Read More »

NSS welcomes Home Office decision not to regulate sharia ‘courts’

NSS welcomes Home Office decision not to regulate sharia ‘courts’

The National Secular Society has welcomed the Home Office's rejection of proposals to regulate sharia 'courts', which... Read More »

Ofsted head: school leaders should promote “muscular liberalism”

Ofsted head: school leaders should promote “muscular liberalism”

The National Secular Society has welcomed a call from the head of education watchdog Ofsted for head teachers to confront... Read More »

ECHR: Lithuania infringed free expression over religious icons

ECHR: Lithuania infringed free expression over religious icons

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Lithuania violated the right to free expression by fining a fashion... Read More »

Islamic charity run by Cherie Blair’s sister mislaid over £90,000

Islamic charity run by Cherie Blair’s sister mislaid over £90,000

An Islamic charity has failed to account for almost 50% of its total expenditure, according to the Charity Commission. Read More »

Lewis cinema shows Star Wars on first Sunday opening

Lewis cinema shows Star Wars on first Sunday opening

The cinema on the Isle of Lewis has opened on a Sunday for the first time as it held a trial screening in the face... Read More »

NSS launches scholarship to promote research on secularism

NSS launches scholarship to promote research on secularism

The National Secular Society has launched a scholarship to support students who conduct research relevant to secularism... Read More »

Peer: conscientious objection bill is “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

Peer: conscientious objection bill is “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

A peer has described a bill that would extend medical practitioners' rights to refuse to carry out their duties on... Read More »

Creationist appointed to South Lanarkshire education committee

Creationist appointed to South Lanarkshire education committee

The National Secular Society has called for urgent reform of council education committee structures in Scotland after... Read More »

Council votes to continue giving worshippers free parking

Council votes to continue giving worshippers free parking

The National Secular Society has criticised a council in Surrey which has decided to continue exempting worshippers... Read More »

School ‘intimidated’ into lifting restrictions on hijab and fasting

School ‘intimidated’ into lifting restrictions on hijab and fasting

A top-rated primary school that restricted hijabs and fasting has been forced to back down on its policies following... Read More »

Iceland: 72% support separation of church and state

Iceland: 72% support separation of church and state

More than seven out of ten Icelanders who have an opinion on the separation of church and state support the idea,... Read More »

Pressure on DfE to issue guidance on hijabs and fasting in schools

Pressure on DfE to issue guidance on hijabs and fasting in schools

The chair of governors at a highly-performing primary school has called on the Government to issue guidance to help... Read More »

Head of unregistered Islamic school banned from teaching

Head of unregistered Islamic school banned from teaching

The National Secular Society has said illegal faith schools' proprietors should face "the full force of the law" after... Read More »

NSS: Council’s ban on religious offence is an insult to voters

NSS: Council’s ban on religious offence is an insult to voters

The National Secular Society has called on Belfast City Council to reconsider an "anti-democratic" motion which bans... Read More »

Secularist conference to explore ‘21st Century RE for All’

Secularist conference to explore ‘21st Century RE for All’

The National Secular Society is to hold a one day conference on reform of religion and belief education in schools,... Read More »

Research reveals systemic bias against secular schools

Research reveals systemic bias against secular schools

The National Secular Society has said more must be done to safeguard non-faith schools' secular ethos after research... Read More »

Religious groups should deliver public services “on an equal opportunities basis”

Religious groups should deliver public services “on an equal opportunities basis”

A minister has told the NSS public services must be delivered "on an equal opportunities basis", including by religious groups. Read More »

Councils powerless to help children in illegal faith schools

Councils powerless to help children in illegal faith schools

A report from Hackney Council has highlighted the urgent need for new legislation to regulate unregistered 'schools'... Read More »

NSS: education secretary must keep faith-based admissions cap

NSS: education secretary must keep faith-based admissions cap

The National Secular Society has urged the new education secretary Damian Hinds to drop plans to remove the 50% cap... Read More »

Coroner faces legal threat over refusal to prioritise religious burials

Coroner faces legal threat over refusal to prioritise religious burials

The National Secular Society has expressed support for a north London coroner facing a furious backlash for refusing... Read More »

Unstunned meat widespread in UK supermarkets, NSS research reveals

Unstunned meat widespread in UK supermarkets, NSS research reveals

Meat from animals which have not been stunned before slaughter is widespread in UK supermarkets, National Secular... Read More »

Religion and politics should not mix, says British public

A majority of British people want religion kept out of politics and bishops to lose their automatic right to sit in... Read More »

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