
Faith and health survey

The Royal Society for Public Health – a leading UK health charity – is undertaking research to better... Read More »

Exclusive: Most state Jewish schools enforce religious dress

Nearly 60% of state-funded Jewish schools in England compel pupils to wear religious clothing as part of the school... Read More »

Ofsted to crack down on schools which require girls to wear hijabs

Schools which force only girls to wear religious garments could be in breach of equality laws, according to Ofsted... Read More »

Four NI councils hold prayers before meetings

Four of Northern Ireland's 11 councils still hear prayers before their monthly meetings, according to information... Read More »

Government considering labelling of non-stunned meat

The Government is considering introducing labelling requirements to ensure consumers know whether halal or kosher... Read More »

NSS asks DfE to clarify Oasis schools’ faith status

The National Secular Society has asked the Government to "clear up the confusion" over a group of academies with a... Read More »

Residents’ anger over council’s £3m gift to ‘homophobic’ church

Local residents are opposing plans to close and partially demolish a public hall in south-west London and build a... Read More »

Stornoway shop owner harassed by sabbatarians

A shop owner in Stornoway has been the victim of harassment and intimidation by sabbatarians due to the owner's decision... Read More »

NSS urges Bradford council to stop supplying un-stunned meat

The National Secular Society has written to Bradford's district council to urge it to stop supplying un-stunned halal... Read More »

NSS criticises London council’s ‘religion-friendly’ housing

The National Secular Society has criticised a London council for building housing with special features designed to... Read More »

Councillor proposes silent reflection in place of council prayers

A councillor in Ards and North Down, in Northern Ireland, has proposed replacing religious prayers at council meetings... Read More »

Cut bishop numbers in Lords, says panel chair, following NSS criticism

The chair of a House of Lords committee has said the number of bishops in the Lords should fall after the National... Read More »

Muslim advocacy group accused of promoting Islamism

A Muslim advocacy group which works closely with police forces, politicians and councils has been accused of promoting... Read More »

Former Archbishop of Canterbury criticises Church establishment

Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has appeared to agree in principle with disestablishing the Church... Read More »

Lords committee proposals would hand bishops more power

Newly-published proposals to reform the House of Lords would see Church of England bishops given more power.

On Tuesday... Read More »

NSS urges clampdown on creationist faith school

The National Secular Society has urged the Government to investigate a faith school that insists the universe is 5,778... Read More »

Charity Commission to investigate Hindu group over ‘extremist’ speaker

The Charity Commission is to investigate a Hindu organisation after it invited a controversial Hindu nationalist to... Read More »

Thought for the Day “inappropriate”, says John Humphrys

The most senior presenter of BBC Radio 4's Today programme has described the daily Thought for the Day slot as "inappropriate"... Read More »

Success! Lancashire votes to take un-stunned meat off school menus

The National Secular Society has welcomed a decision from Lancashire County Council to only supply halal meat from... Read More »

Tribunal rejects ‘religious discrimination’ case against the NHS

A 'devout Christian' who was sacked as an NHS director after opposing same-sex adoption has lost his claim for religious... Read More »

C of E school services grow as congregations decline

The number of children attending Church of England services during school time has risen for at least the third consecutive... Read More »

Parents’ protests stop evangelism in Kent school

A primary school in Kent has stopped inviting a Christian evangelist group to lead assemblies and lessons, following complaints from parents. Read More »

Government ‘obfuscates’ over faith schools' teacher discrimination

The National Secular Society has accused the government of obfuscating over the extent to which schools with a religious... Read More »

Donations fuel record C of E parish income

Income generated by Church of England parishes topped £1 billion for the first time in 2015.

The largest proportion... Read More »

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