
Welby: disestablishment “a decision for parliament and people”

Welby: disestablishment “a decision for parliament and people”

The National Secular Society has reiterated its call for the separation of church and state after the archbishop of... Read More »

No need to prioritise requests based on religion, says chief coroner

No need to prioritise requests based on religion, says chief coroner

Coroners in England and Wales are not obliged to give automatic priority to requests which come from particular religious... Read More »

NSS: joint campus rows show need to secularise Scottish education

NSS: joint campus rows show need to secularise Scottish education

The National Secular Society has said calls for children to be segregated on joint campuses have "shown the need to... Read More »

NSS: proportion and context matter on religious clothing at work

NSS: proportion and context matter on religious clothing at work

The National Secular Society has said the government "must consider proportion and context" as it prepares to tell... Read More »

‘Pro-life’ group tries to restrict abortion pill use in Scotland

‘Pro-life’ group tries to restrict abortion pill use in Scotland

'Pro-life' campaigners have launched a court bid to block the Scottish government's decision to allow women to take... Read More »

Gov’t drops proposal to scrap 50% admissions cap – but plans discriminatory faith school expansion

Gov’t drops proposal to scrap 50% admissions cap – but plans discriminatory faith school expansion

The government has abandoned plans to lift the 50% cap on faith-based admissions to new free schools – but will... Read More »

DfE warned 12 more private faith schools over failures in one month

DfE warned 12 more private faith schools over failures in one month

The Department for Education warned 12 independent faith schools that they were failing to meet the standards expected... Read More »

NSS: investigate Christian campaigners’ role in Alfie Evans case

NSS: investigate Christian campaigners’ role in Alfie Evans case

The National Secular Society has urged the legal regulatory authorities to investigate the conduct of a Christian... Read More »

Government plans to create 36 new religious free schools in England

Government plans to create 36 new religious free schools in England

The government plans to create 36 new faith schools in England as it rolls out its latest round of new free schools,... Read More »

NSS renews call to end faith schools’ ‘religiosity inspections’

NSS renews call to end faith schools’ ‘religiosity inspections’

The National Secular Society has asked the government to stop funding religious inspections of faith schools after... Read More »

Christian groups coordinating anti-rights campaigns across Europe

Christian groups coordinating anti-rights campaigns across Europe

A coordinated effort by ultra-conservative Christian groups to restrict LGBT+ and women's rights across Europe has... Read More »

Church forces school to close rather than join secular academy trust

Church forces school to close rather than join secular academy trust

A primary school in Surrey is to close after the local Church of England diocese refused to allow it to join a secular... Read More »

Most faith schools distorting sex education, NSS study finds

Most faith schools distorting sex education, NSS study finds

More than three-quarters of state-funded secondary faith schools in England are failing to teach Sex and Relationships... Read More »

NSS criticises Surrey Police for ‘engaging in evangelism’

NSS criticises Surrey Police for ‘engaging in evangelism’

The National Secular Society has criticised Surrey Police for engaging in evangelism after it accepted 1,000 branded... Read More »

Court rules against coroner’s ‘cab rank’ policy

Court rules against coroner’s ‘cab rank’ policy

The National Secular Society has said religion must not "automatically entitle people to expedited access to public... Read More »

Row over ‘discriminatory, unproductive’ SACRE members in south Wales

Row over ‘discriminatory, unproductive’ SACRE members in south Wales

The National Secular Society has reiterated its call for the abolition of local religious education committees amid... Read More »

Official report recommends amending abortion law in NI

Official report recommends amending abortion law in NI

The National Secular Society has welcomed an official report which has recommended allowing abortion in cases of fatal... Read More »

Danish bid to create age of consent for genital cutting set to fail

Danish bid to create age of consent for genital cutting set to fail

An attempt to outlaw the cutting of healthy children's genitals in Denmark is set to fail, despite the opinions of... Read More »

NSS: government must listen to Greening on faith-based admissions

NSS: government must listen to Greening on faith-based admissions

The National Secular Society has said the government must "urgently rethink" plans to allow more discriminatory faith-based... Read More »

Religion a major source of tension in Britain, poll finds

Religion a major source of tension in Britain, poll finds

The National Secular Society has said policy makers must avoid dividing people along religious lines after a poll... Read More »

Lords committee: respect the law before “the values of others”

Lords committee: respect the law before “the values of others”

Public policy must put "respect for the law" before "respect for the values of others" and defend "the shared values... Read More »

Broad consensus for reforming RE at NSS event

Broad consensus for reforming RE at NSS event

Experts have called for reform of the way religion and belief issues are taught in schools in England and Wales at... Read More »

NSS urges ‘no more faith schools’ as it launches national campaign

NSS urges ‘no more faith schools’ as it launches national campaign

The National Secular Society has launched a new national campaign dedicated to ending state-funded faith schools,... Read More »

Global rights group: forced genital cutting violates medical ethics

Global rights group: forced genital cutting violates medical ethics

The National Secular Society has reiterated its call for an end to forced genital cutting after an international children's... Read More »

NSS criticises admissions policies that push parents into church

NSS criticises admissions policies that push parents into church

The National Secular Society has criticised policies that require parents to attend church to get their children in... Read More »

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