
Freedom of expression under threat by violent extremists

This week I was due to give a talk to students at Queen Mary University of London on behalf of the One Law for All... Read More »

A single oath in court for all, regardless of belief or religion

Every day in Scotland, God is mentioned in courts. In particular, when juries are sworn in and when witnesses swear... Read More »

Secularim and the assisted dying debate

The recent report on assisted dying by the Falconer Commission has caused a strong division between supporters and... Read More »

MPs and Peers don’t eat halal – but what about the rest of us?

The Daily Mail this week made much of the story that neither the House of Lords nor the House of Commons serve halal... Read More »

A New Year when secularism must stand up for itself or be overwhelmed by religious power-seeking

The signs have been there for some considerable time – religion around the world is reviving, and it is not... Read More »

Cameron is joining the right-wing rush to religion

David Cameron's now notorious speech to the Church of England, in which he promised to elevate "Christian values"... Read More »

Why Trevor Phillips owes the NSS an apology

Last week, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips, wrote an article in the Sunday... Read More »

We wish you a merry – and free – Christmas

A seasonal message from Bristol Secular Society

This time of year has many names: Winter Solstice, Christmas, Yule,... Read More »

Executive Director’s Diary: Sharia, Civil Partnerships and Lords Reform

NSS Executive Director Keith Porteous Wood on a busy week of campaigning in Parliament.

A predictable reaction to council prayer challenge

NSS President, Terry Sanderson, reflects on the hostile reaction from commentators to our challenge to prayers during... Read More »

Are Christian extremists at last being found out for what they are?

It seems that the fantasy world that has been created by the Christian Legal Centre and its rather scary head Andrea... Read More »

No, Mr Blair – for all our sakes, pulpits and parliament must remain separate

Is Tony Blair — the man who converted to Catholicism when he left the office of Prime Minister and went on to... Read More »

It’s good when the Vatican has a bad week

Frances Kissling, when she was head of theWashingtonDCbased liberal group Catholics for Choice (anathema to theVatican),... Read More »

How did our education system become a playground for theocrats?

We are seeing the new crop of academy schools beginning to advertise for chaplains

Muslim and Sikh scout groups represent the worst aspects of multiculturalism

As Muslim scout troops proliferate throughoutBritain, we now have news of the formation of a Sikh Scout troop forming... Read More »

We’re all in this together – except the BBC’s religion department.

Last week the BBC announced how it intended to make the swingeing cuts to help it cope with the freeze in the TV licence... Read More »

Will the Citizens Advice Bureau be compromised by its partnership with the churches?

The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is increasingly "partnering" with churches up and down the country as it seeks to... Read More »

Dare To Stand Alone: The Story of Charles Bradlaugh

Charles Bradlaugh, the man who founded the National Secular Society in 1866, had a short but dramatic life, which... Read More »

Memoirs of a faith-based education

I had a faith-based education. The trouble was, I never knew which faith.

At home, we were Church of England. We didn't... Read More »

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