
Why do we allow discrimination based on culture?

So, the Olympics has come and gone and it's been a triumph; our athletes have done us proud and the UK has a whole... Read More »

Motes and beams in banking ethics

Back in 2009, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, held a private seminar entitled "Leadership... Read More »

Women can choose to wear the burka – but can they choose not to?

"Exactly what choice does an 11-year-old girl have when her designated school uniform is a magician's black cloth... Read More »

Disillusion for the revolutionaries who thought the Arab Spring would bring freedom and secularism

The tightening of the grip of political Islam on the Middle East continues apace. Those young people who put their... Read More »

Has the BBC Trust killed vigorous debate about religion on our national broadcaster?

The BBC Trust – which advertises itself as the "final arbiter in complaints to the BBC" — has upheld a... Read More »

Male circumcision is an unwarranted breach of a child’s integrity – just like FGM

The Muslim-Jewish alliance of religious 'leaders' who condemned the recent German court ruling in Cologne on male... Read More »

Religious differences are reinforced by misguided enthusiasts like Tony Blair

Tony Blair has been on the public platform again talking about how important religion is for everybody – even... Read More »

Gay marriage promised in Scotland – but Church wrangles concessions in schools

So, after one of the largest responses to a consultation ever recorded, the Scottish Government has announced that... Read More »

Courts rightly tend to stay out of doctrinal religious disputes

We have become used to the courts getting involved, more or less willingly, in religious issues, not least where religious... Read More »

'Faith' schools are becoming a menace

A couple of weeks ago, the Bishop of Oxford — who is the Church of England's spokesman on education —... Read More »

The myth of the Nadia Eweida case gets another dishonest outing

During an exchange at Prime Minister's Question Time yesterday, David Cameron was asked by David Davis MP about the... Read More »

Is the Church of England at death’s door or has it found a new lease of life?

The Church of England is either in its last desperate death throes or it is making a concerted effort to revive itself... Read More »

Ritual circumcision: religious rights of parents are at odds with the best interests of the child

By Dr Antony Lempert, Secular Medical Forum

On 26th June a district court in Cologne made a landmark ruling that parents... Read More »

It’s time to restore free speech – no-one has the right not to be offended.

Today, Lord Mawhinney is tabling an amendment in the House of Lords to remove the word "insulting" from Section 5... Read More »

Rowan Williams has acquired a backbone – but it’s all too late

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams is demob-happy.

It seems that since he announced his resignation he feels... Read More »

UK Integration Policy: Big Society...Or Faith Society?

by Nahla Mahmoud

I was absolutely outraged reading the integration policy announced by the Government earlier this... Read More »

The Catholic push for power is failing

Yesterday the Catholic Church in America began a campaign it calls "A Fortnight for Freedom" which it says is an effort... Read More »

Mormonism: Why Mitt Romney isn’t anxious to talk about his religion

As the US Presidential race gets into gear, the Republican challenger to Barack Obama is Mitt Romney.

Mr Romney is... Read More »

Religious people should recognise that secularism benefits them, too

The outcry against not having prayers during council meetings is presented as some huge attack against Christianity.... Read More »

Forced marriage: the real racism lies in our failure to protect victims

Forced marriage is to become a criminal offence. I am tempted to think progress is being made and that many young... Read More »

Why the Church must not win in this confrontation with the state

The Church of England has thrown down the gauntlet to the Government over the issue of gay marriage.

The message is... Read More »

Secularism and religious freedom

I recently attended a Religious Discrimination and Symbolism workshop on behalf of the NSS. When I had finished my... Read More »

The wailing pope and his dirty laundry

By Terry Sanderson

It's always a pleasure to read that the Pope is upset. Nobody deserves to be upset more than His... Read More »

Not a “slip of the tongue”: only one religion is recognised as the basis of the Turkish state

By Halil M. Karaveli

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently expressed allegiance to "one nation, one flag, one... Read More »

Not a “slip of the tongue”: only one religion is recognised as the basis of the Turkish state

By Halil M. Karaveli

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently expressed allegiance to "one nation, one flag, one... Read More »

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