
The Rise of Sharia in the West

The following speech was given by Raheel Razaat a meeting on "Religion, Law, Democracy and Human Rights" jointly hosted... Read More »

The Church of England – myth and reality

We are told constantly how important the Church of England is to this country and how fond of it we all are. That... Read More »

The spectre of militant secularism

At the weekend, I was honoured to award the Secularist of the Year prize to Peter Tatchell on behalf of the National... Read More »

Sharia Law and Free Speech

On 12th February, journalist Hamza Kashgari was deported from Malaysia back to his native Saudi Arabia to face the... Read More »

Without a pack of lies to back them up, Christian claims of persecution fall flat on their face

The old adage "never believe what you read in the newspapers" has never been as apposite as it has been over the past... Read More »

Red tape is OK for Christians, it seems

According to several news sites around the world, the British government is about to ban the wearing of crosses at... Read More »

Sharia Law and Middle Class Feminism

On Saturday, I was honoured to attend the launch of the International Sindhi Women's Organisation. Here was a group... Read More »

Without a pack of lies to back them up, Christian claims of persecution fall flat on their face

The old adage "never believe what you read in the newspapers" has never been so apposite as it has been over the past... Read More »

Countless millions of taxpayers’ money spent on discrimination in schools

We often complain about the increasing amount of religion in schools, but it is not until you look at the job advertisements... Read More »

Confrontation over gay marriage could change the relationship between religion and the state

It's happening all around the world. An increasingly politicised Catholic Church is manufacturing confrontations with... Read More »

Homophobia and the rise of Britain’s religious right

With the blaze of publicity at its launch, smooth-talking media spokespeople and petition raising efforts, the campaign... Read More »

The Tories will be watching how Republican’s religion-in-politics tactic plays

The race for the Republican Party's Presidential nomination in the USA is turning into a religious farce. As Mitt... Read More »

Mr Pickles “community cohesion” policy is a recipe for conflict

Why is the Coalition Government increasingly embracing the policy of the US Republicans of appropriating religion... Read More »

The great debate begins

We've been trying for a long time to get a national debate going about the place of religion in British society. It... Read More »

Baroness Warsi and her gang of pious politicos are out of step with the nation

I'm sure Baroness Warsi's speech to the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome today will please its audience.... Read More »

Council prayer case will bring much abuse on to the head of the NSS

As we contemplate the implications of the High Court decision that the saying of prayers as part of local council... Read More »

Council prayer case will bring much abuse on to the head of the NSS

As we contemplate the implications of the High Court decision that the saying of prayers as part of local council... Read More »

The Catholic War on Democracy

At a Vatican meeting with Catholic bishops from the USA last month, the Pope told them that they had a duty to apply... Read More »

Bishops, too, are entitled to unpleasant opinions

A humanist politician in Ireland is trying to prosecute a Catholic Bishop for hate speech. Fine Gael election candidate... Read More »

Religious education GCSE will lose its appeal when the exam is toughened up

The Churches love to tell us how "popular" religious studies are in schools. Keith Porteous Wood suspects the popularity... Read More »

Sentamu's shot at gay marriage is only the first salvo in a bitter battle to come

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, has warned the government that if it tries to legalise gay marriage, it will... Read More »

Misguided liberals are playing us all into the hands of the Islamist tyrants

A recent letter to The Guardian stated that 'over the past decade, a number of academic studies have indicated a... Read More »

Why do the bishops have the right to thwart democratically agreed legislation?

It was the Rt Rev John Packer, Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, who introduced the successful House of Lords amendment this... Read More »

What’s a fate worse than death? Being brought up in the Catholic Church!

A personal testimony of child abuse in the Catholic Church from Sue Cox of Survivors Voice Europe

A fate worse than... Read More »

Establishment and the gay bishop

Geoffrey John, the clergyman at the heart of the gay bishops row, is threatening to take the Church of England to... Read More »

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