
The Catholic Church is trying to flex its political muscle to humiliate Obama – but does it still have the strength?

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York has ramped up the Catholic Church's politically motivated assault on the Obama... Read More »

A message from Keith Porteous Wood of the National Secular Society and Simon Calvert of The Christian Institute

A week ago we launched Reform Section 5 with a press conference in the House of Commons. The reaction was exactly... Read More »

Advertising watchdog threatens to martyr Archbishop Cranmer all over again

The rather eccentric Christian blogger Archbishop Cranmer is under investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority... Read More »

The need for secularism in a superdiverse society

The Westminster faith debates concluded last week with a debate on religious trends. According to the research presented,... Read More »

Asking the impossible? Lebanon’s march for secularism

While in most respects the previous seventeen months have seen undreamt-of victories for civil liberties in the Middle... Read More »

Murdoch no match for Benedict in the 'unfit to govern' stakes

I have been particularly exasperated in the last few days, in common with many others I'm sure, as a result of the... Read More »

The battle against gay marriage causes deep divisions in politics and religion

The Pope's representative in Britain has urged Roman Catholic leaders to form a united front with their Muslim and... Read More »

We’re all in this together – aren’t we?

As previously reported, the NHS spent around £29M on hospital chaplains in 2009/2010. The National Secular Society... Read More »

Christian doctors claim jobs at risk if they refuse to do gender reassignment operations

Dr Peter Saunders of the Christian Medical Fellowship is claiming that doctors risk disciplinary action if they refuse... Read More »

Are some Christian politicians deliberately trying to mislead us – or are they just ignorant of the facts?

In a parliamentary question last week, Karl McCartney, the Conservative MP for Lincoln, asked the Minister for Women... Read More »

American Religious Right advances in Europe

The American religious right continues its advance into Europe. Our representative at the Fundamental Rights Agency... Read More »

Public protest against Saudi sexism in London

The Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford have organised public protest against Saudi sexism in London following official... Read More »

Government to work with Church of England to promote more religious schools

During Education Questions in the House of Commons on Monday, Michael Gove, the Education Secretary (for England)... Read More »

Hitler, Stalin, Obama and a belligerent Catholic Church

The Catholic Church seems to be turning itself from being a religious body into being a rather unpleasant political... Read More »

Easter sermons: self-serving and dishonest

It's a Bank Holiday, half the staff in the newsroom are on leave, but news editors still have to somehow fill their... Read More »

There is no persecution or sidelining of Christianity in Britain

By guest blogger, Oliver Kamm

Christianity, says Lord Carey of Clifton, is under threat. The former Archbishop of Canterbury... Read More »

Prime Minister’s dissembling, hypocritical and disingenuous speech to religious leaders

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, gave an Easter reception for Christian leaders at Downing Street this week at which... Read More »

Child brides and licensed rape

Women in the UK are being forced to get married with threats and violence. Children under the legal age of consent... Read More »

Persecuted Christian story follows familiar pattern of newspaper distortion

A familiar pattern emerged this week in the latest "Christians are being persecuted at work" case to reach an employment... Read More »

The booming industry of religious chaplaincy

Despite the parlous state of the UK economy, it appears chaplaincy is a boom industry. An ever increasing army of... Read More »

Are you morally superior to the Taliban?

Are you morally superior to the Taliban? That is the opening line of Lloyd Newson's sensational show Can We Talk About... Read More »

Why militant secularism is for believers, too

The New Scientist magazine had an interesting series of articles about the "science of religion" last week (which... Read More »

Why militant secularism is for believers, too

The New Scientist magazine had an interesting series of articles about the "science of religion" last week (which... Read More »

Hapless MPs defend faith healers

If you live in South Luton, South-West Devon, or the Westmorland and Lonsdale constituency in Southern Cumbria, then... Read More »

Why militant secularism is for believers, too

The New Scientist magazine had an interesting series of articles about the "science of religion" last week (which... Read More »

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