What Our Members Say

What Our Members Say

Find out why our members support our work, in their own words.

What Our Members Say

The treatment of religious minorities, atheists and apostates in theocratic countries is sickening. Everyone should have the right to their own beliefs and religious choices, provided that they do not impinge on other people's rights.

Tim, Gloucestershire

"I have come to appreciate that the NSS is often a lone voice of rationality in the wilderness that is dominated by religious dogma, bigotry and political manipulation."

David, Shropshire

We cannot, and should not, protect our country's children from being brought up by ultra-conservative religious parents but we can, and should, ensure that they go to a school where they learn about other religions, about humanism, about living without religion and are given the confidence that people of all faiths and none are treated equally under the law.

Susan, Devon

I joined to show that being an NSS member is compatible with being a Muslim. I think the NSS would benefit from having more members of faith. At present, just as many believers fail to understand what secularism means, many who do not practice a religious faith fail to understand the provisions that a just society needs to make for people who do.

Mohammed Amin MBE, Manchester

My motivations for joining include faith schools, bishops in the House of Lords, religious intolerance towards women and minorities, any situation where the pious are given more respect or airtime than others, and people holding discriminatory views on religious grounds remaining influential.

Paul, Huddersfield

"I am angry with what I view as the permitted brainwashing of children within our education system. Myself and my wife joined the NSS to help protect children from adults with religious and faith based agendas."

Timothy, London

I think all groups, religious, atheistic or agnostic, have enough common ground to be able to live together in harmony under secular systems of governance, law, welfare, education, etc.

Paula, Coalville

When selecting a school for my kid, I checked it wasn't focused towards just Christianity. I have no issues with schools teaching about religions and beliefs equally, but don't want my young and impressionable children to be exposed to evangelical practices.

Peter, Leeds

"David Cameron's 'Big Society' appears to be pushing towards a greater role for religion-based organisations instead of connecting with all people."

Karen, Northamptonshire

I discovered the NSS while studying Politics at school, researching pressure groups. I was particularly interested in secularism, always held similar beliefs, and decided to join to promote the cause of religious freedom and equality.

Edward, Wiltshire

I feel secularism is a cause for which I can be politically and publicly active. Ultimately it's about removing the archaic rights given to religions to infringe my liberty.

Nicklas, Haywards Heath

Religion has had far too much privilege, power and protection for far too long. Humanity needs to evolve and the continued inclusion of superstitious beliefs in the affairs of state is not helping that process.

Alex, Southsea

"The state should take no role whatsoever in promoting any particular faith in any sphere of public life. The NSS is one of the strongest and most effective groups working to raise public awareness, overcoming peoples' inertia and lack of information."

Stipo, London

We should not label our children as Christian, Muslim or any other religious group. So big NO to faith schools.

Asif, London

May I take this opportunity to mention that I think the NSS do an incredible job and I always look forward to reading the weekly bulletin. I feel that without people like you, religious groups would very likely run roughshod and their privileges would prevail. You will have my continued support.


"Thank you for all of your help. I had never heard of your organisation before, I bet there are many many families feeling like this with no idea how to broach it with the schools or where they stand legally. You do a great job in empowering people to have the confidence and knowledge to stand up for their beliefs."

A Parent, whose school is pushing an increasing religious ethos

People should have the free will to practise whatever religion they wish. I support actions challenging religious organisations' campaigns to manipulate laws and services according to their own belief systems. I hope my membership makes a valid contribution to this important cause.


I chose a non-denominational school for my son and yet he still has to take part in daily collective worship. A theatre group called "Open the Book" entertain his class once a week with Bible stories, in addition to an RE class. Religion should be taken out of schools altogether and more time spent on aspects of the curriculum relevant to adult life. Excluding him would however make him the odd-one-out.

Nicolle, London

"I believe in people's freedom to practise whatever religion they wish,provided it never interferes with the legal system and policy making, in vital services such as education, health. I support any action challenging religious organisations' campaigns to manipulate laws and services. I hope that my membership is enough to make a valid contribution to this important cause."


The NSS is Britain's front line defence against the vested interests of organised religion that damage our public institutions, not least in education and local government.

Clive, Bideford

"As a retired head teacher, I have always been concerned by the requirement of schools to provide a daily act of collective worship. I read about the NSS campaign to abolish this requirement and decided to add my voice."

Ray, Tyne & Wear

I feel proud my membership money will go towards future successes in the fight for a fair and secular future for all.


On many secular issues, atheists and many theists have common interests. By working together on these issues, voices will be louder. While I am no longer religious, I absolutely support people's right to religious freedom.

Tim, Cheltenham

As a retired head of a comprehensive school, I am very concerned at the growth of so-called 'faith schools'. I very strongly believe they are dangerous, divisive and a threat to our open society.

Andrew, London

It's all very well suggesting Islamic faith schools are potentially damaging children, but the only way to solve this problem is to leave all religion out of education and legislation. I'm not anti-religion, but I am against giving any religion a free ride.

Tom, Leeds