Scrap the bishops’ bench

Scrap the bishops’ bench

Page 6 of 24: End the archaic, unfair and undemocratic bishops’ bench in the House of Lords.

Twenty-six Anglican bishops are given seats as of right in the House of Lords.

This is unfair, undemocratic and undesirable. It's time to abolish the bishops' bench.

Two archbishops and 24 bishops of the Church of England currently have automatic seats in the House of Lords. They are sometimes known as 'the lords spiritual'.

We campaign for a secular upper house with no specific religious representation, whether of Christian denominations or any other faiths. In a secular state no religion or its leaders should have a privileged role in the legislature.

Only one other sovereign country reserves seats in its legislature for clerics: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Any serious proposals to reform the House of Lords must address the unjustified privilege of the bishops' bench.

62% of Brits think no religious clerics should have an automatic right to seats in the House of Lords.

After over a century of decline in religious attendance in Britain, the claim that bishops — or any other religious representatives — speak for any significant constituency is not warranted. Less than 2% of the British population now attend Anglican services on the average Sunday.

In addition, the presence of religious leaders amounts to double representation of religious interests as many peers already identify themselves as being religiously motivated. Retired religious leaders are often appointed as peers.

Bishops do not have any "special moral insight" unavailable to everybody else. The idea that bishops or any other 'religious leaders' have any monopoly on issues of morality is offensive to many non-religious citizens. Those who profess no religion are no less capable of making moral and ethical judgements.

In an increasingly secular society the role of religious representatives in our legislature has become irrelevant, and has stood in the way of progressive legislation.

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Bishops’ bench “gives democracy a bad name”, MPs hear

Bishops’ bench “gives democracy a bad name”, MPs hear

Posted: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 15:36

Bishops in the House of Lords give "democracy and bad name", MPs have been told in a debate today.

Scottish National Party MP Tommy Sheppard, who brought the debate forward on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, argued for an end to the "guaranteed and automatic" appointment of Church of England bishops to the 'bishops' bench' in the House of Lords.

The Westminster Hall debate followed recent lobbying from the National Secular Society. The NSS briefed all MPs ahead of the debate.

Two Church of England archbishops and 24 bishops are automatically given guaranteed seats in the upper house.

"Time is right for a review"

Sheppard said there are only two national state legislatures where clerics are automatically guaranteed a place: Iran and UK.

He asked MPs whether they thought the pre-feudal, pre-democracy arrangement of bishops in the Lords is still appropriate in the 21st century in "a country which aspires to be open and democratic", and where most people don't belong to the CofE.

He quoted figures from the British Social Attitudes survey which found 52% of the population are nonreligious and only 12% are Anglican, in addition to the Church's own findings that just 1% of people in England regularly attend Sunday services. But even excluding the bishops, 60% of members of the House of Lords identify as Christian.

He reminded MPs that the bishops' bench is not a mere "ceremonial" function, but that the bishops have "real, effective, political power", with their votes being decisive on many occasions. He noted that they even occupy a privileged place within parliament itself, with protocol dictating that other members of the house give way to bishops during debates.

Sheppard said their influence is "socially conservative" on issues such as same-sex marriage and assisted dying, and "puts the legislature at odds with the public".

He added that the bishops have an inherent conflict of interest, as they are there to "protect and advance" the Church of England, giving it an "unfair advantage".

In answer to questions regarding wider reforms to the House of Lords, Sheppard said the bishops' bench "is a good place to start" as it is not elected and not subject to the same scrutiny as other appointments.

He said the bishops' bench "gives democracy a bad name" and "doesn't do the Church any favours either". He concluded that the "time is right for a review" of the arrangement.

Other SNPs raised concerns about the bishops voting on issues only affecting Scotland, despite the Church being established in England alone.

Responding on behalf of the government, Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office Alex Burghart MP dismissed the concerns and said the government would not be engaging on the issue.

The bishops' bench is consistently unpopular with the public. A survey last year found over 60% of UK adults think bishops should have no place in parliament. In February writer and broadcaster Sandi Toksvig launched a petition to remove the bishops from the House of Lords, which received nearly 164,000 signatures.

In March the Commission on Political Power said the bishops are an "anomalous" presence in the House of Lords and recommended their removal in a reformed second chamber.

NSS: bishops' bench "an affront to democracy"

NSS chief executive Stephen Evans, who attended the debate, said: "Today's debate has brought much needed parliamentary scrutiny to the bishops' bench.

"The positively medieval privilege of ex officio seats for 26 Anglican bishops sits in stark contrast to the reality of 21st century Britain where Christianity is no longer a majority religion.

"Ending the automatic right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords is an important and necessary step towards creating a more modern, open and equitable parliament.

"The whole concept of clerics in the legislature as of right is an affront to democracy. Every other western democracy has realised this, it's time we did, too."

The debate was also welcomed by prominent Anglicans who oppose the bishops' bench. Simon Barrow, director the Christian thinktank Ekklesia, said: "If bishops or any other type of cleric wishes to be in a legislative body, they should get there by the same route as anyone else - that is, by election and popular franchise, not as a result of privileging a particular religious body.

"Having faith leaders from one denomination of one religion based in only one of the nations of the UK in an unelected second chamber is particularly inappropriate, unnecessary and anachronistic."

MPs to debate the role of bishops in House of Lords

MPs to debate the role of bishops in House of Lords

Posted: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 10:15

The National Secular Society has welcomed news that parliament will debate the role of bishops in the House of Lords.

MPs will debate the future of the 'bishops' bench' at a Westminster Hall debate on July 6th.

The debate, organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, follows recent lobbying from the NSS.

Currently two Church of England archbishops and 24 bishops are given seats in the upper house and are able to vote on legislation.

Their position grants them privileged access to parliament, and they are given deferential treatment by other members.

Scottish National Party MP Tommy Sheppard, who applied for the debate, spoke about the role of Church in parliament during an NSS event last month. He called the presence of the Church "incredibly unrepresentative" of the population.

He said a debate on the bishops' bench would provide the opportunity to put questions to ministers that "they will find hard to answer".

The bishops' bench is consistently unpopular with the public. A survey last year found over 60% of UK adults think bishops should have no place in parliament.

In February writer and broadcaster Sandi Toksvig launched a petition to remove the bishops from the House of Lords, which received nearly 164,000 signatures.

Iran is the only other country which has religious clerics in its legislature.

In March the Commission on Political Power said the bishops are an "anomalous" presence in the House of Lords and recommended their removal in a reformed second chamber.

NSS: Debate is a "golden opportunity" to challenge bishops' bench

NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: "This debate is a golden opportunity to challenge the inappropriate and anachronistic presence of clerics in our legislature.

"It makes no sense to have unelected religious representatives automatically given places in parliament – let alone representatives of one single church in a nation that is diverse, predominantly non-Christian, and increasingly irreligious.

"We urge MPs to use this debate to call for the removal of the bishops' bench, and for religion to play no part in the selection of members in the second chamber."

Image: House of Lords 2021 / Photography by Roger Harris

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