Scrap the bishops’ bench

Scrap the bishops’ bench

Page 10 of 24: End the archaic, unfair and undemocratic bishops’ bench in the House of Lords.

Twenty-six Anglican bishops are given seats as of right in the House of Lords.

This is unfair, undemocratic and undesirable. It's time to abolish the bishops' bench.

Two archbishops and 24 bishops of the Church of England currently have automatic seats in the House of Lords. They are sometimes known as 'the lords spiritual'.

We campaign for a secular upper house with no specific religious representation, whether of Christian denominations or any other faiths. In a secular state no religion or its leaders should have a privileged role in the legislature.

Only one other sovereign country reserves seats in its legislature for clerics: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Any serious proposals to reform the House of Lords must address the unjustified privilege of the bishops' bench.

62% of Brits think no religious clerics should have an automatic right to seats in the House of Lords.

After over a century of decline in religious attendance in Britain, the claim that bishops — or any other religious representatives — speak for any significant constituency is not warranted. Less than 2% of the British population now attend Anglican services on the average Sunday.

In addition, the presence of religious leaders amounts to double representation of religious interests as many peers already identify themselves as being religiously motivated. Retired religious leaders are often appointed as peers.

Bishops do not have any "special moral insight" unavailable to everybody else. The idea that bishops or any other 'religious leaders' have any monopoly on issues of morality is offensive to many non-religious citizens. Those who profess no religion are no less capable of making moral and ethical judgements.

In an increasingly secular society the role of religious representatives in our legislature has become irrelevant, and has stood in the way of progressive legislation.

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Ask your MP to help end the archaic, unfair and undemocratic bishops’ bench in the House of Lords.

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Reducing bishops in House of Lords ‘inevitable’, says CofE paper

Reducing bishops in House of Lords ‘inevitable’, says CofE paper

Posted: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 15:37

The Church of England is open to reducing the number of bishops in a reformed House of Lords but not scrapping them entirely, a briefing suggests.

The confidential briefing paper, published in Church Times, says there is a consensus among bishops in the House of Lords that reform of the House is "inevitable" and that the CofE "should seek to shape" reforms that will "impinge" on bishops.

This implies "a reduction in the number of Lords Spiritual", the briefing says.

The Lords Spiritual are members of the bishops' bench in the House of Lords. The bishops' bench consists of 26 Church of England bishops who are automatically appointed to the House. The UK is unique among Western democracies in giving representatives of religious groups automatic seats in its legislature.

The Bishopric of Manchester Act (1847) set the number of Bishops entitled to sit in the House of Lords at 26.

The confidential briefing by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Bishop of London was presented to the bishops' membership body, the House of Bishops, in September. It draws on interviews with "key stakeholders", including all 42 diocesan bishops.

The briefing outlines proposed changes to the CofE's management to address a number of challenges faced by the church, including funding. Two thirds of dioceses are operating on deficit budgets and the majority of dioceses are not capable of sustaining themselves without "more mutual and central funding".

The briefing says the proposals align with calls for a "simpler, humbler and bolder church" that must be "prepared to accept radical change".

However, the briefing does not recommend the complete abolition of the bishops' bench. It says the Lords Spiritual provide "high value" in being able to bring CofE "values and influence" in the public square. It also says there is a "strong case to put further resource" into the Church of England's parliamentary unit to "provide adequate support" for the bishops.

The briefing also refers to "tension" between bishops managing a "national role" and leading a diocese.

NSS head of policy and research Megan Manson said: "While reducing the number of bishops in the House of Lords would be welcome, it's clear the CofE has no intention of scrapping the bishops' bench entirely and ending its disproportionate influence in our democracy.

"The Church says it wants to be simpler and humbler. But increasing funding for the bishops' bench, as the briefing suggest, is entirely at odds with goal. A humble church is not one that seeks to impose its religion on society by wielding parliamentary power.

"The Church recognises the tensions in trying to serve local Anglican communities and acting as the state religion. It also says it needs to accept radical change.

"An obvious radical change which would eliminate those tensions and help it dedicate its resources to its own parishioners would be to disentangle church from state. And this should start with the complete withdrawal of bishops appointed to our legislature."

Image: Copyright House of Lords 2021 / Photography by Roger Harris

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Bishops’ bench rallies against Assisted Dying Bill

Bishops’ bench rallies against Assisted Dying Bill

Posted: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 13:41

Anglican bishops in the House of Lords have united to oppose a bill to allow the choice of assisted dying for terminally ill people.

During the second reading of the Assisted Dying Bill on Friday, archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (pictured) said there was "unanimity" on the bishops' bench that the law on assisted dying "does not need to be changed".

The bishops' bench consists of 26 Church of England bishops, or 'Lords Spiritual', who are automatically appointed to the House of Lords.

The bill would legalise assisted dying as a choice for terminally ill, mentally competent adults in their final months of life.

The bill passed unopposed following the debate in the House of Lords but is unlikely to progress further without government support.

Religious opposition

Other members of the bishop's bench who voiced their opposition in the debate included Martin Warner, Paul Butler and James Newcome.

Warner, who is the bishop of Chichester, said "God does not inflict evil on people".

Robert Winston said the influence of bishops on the "moral compass" of the assisted dying debate is "extremely important".

Religious objections to the bill were also made by Michael Farmer, who called it "an atheists' Bill, denying God and denying eternity", and Patrick Cormack, who said the bill "does not really acknowledge the fact that many of us believe in the afterlife".

Ranbir Singh Suri equated assisted dying with suicide which he called "a crime against our maker, almighty God, and nature".

Citing Sikh religious texts, Suri said: "We have to accept the will of almighty God".

Support for the bill

Molly Meacher, who tabled the bill, said it was "overwhelmingly popular" in society and supported by 84% of the population, including 80% of people who declare themselves religious. She said this was "not surprising" because "the sole aim of this Bill is to reduce unnecessary and unbearable suffering."

Supporters also included former archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, who said: "I may be out of step with the House of Bishops, but I think it is out of step with the vast majority of our nation, including many of its own membership."

Other supporters who proclaimed Christian faith in the debate included Ruth Davidson, Sal Brinton, Nigel Vinson and Gus O'Donnell.

Several other supporters stressed the bill would not compel those with religious or other objections to assisted dying to take any part in the process.

Ann Mallalieu said: "However strong your personal view, whether based on religious belief, personal experience or strong convictions about the sanctity of human life, is it right for you as an individual to insist that your view prevails when it will prolong intolerable suffering for someone else who happens to hold a different view?"

NSS comment

National Secular Society chief executive Stephen Evans said: "This debate has again highlighted the role of religion in restricting people's freedom and choices when it comes to end-of-life decisions.

"Opposition to assisted dying is often rooted in conservative religious views. Those views should not be given undue weight in parliament. Yet this is precisely what having religious appointees in our legislature does.

"On this issue, the bishops' bench is not only out of step with the views of the general population – it is even out of step with most of its own congregation.

"It's time to end the pretence that senior Anglican clerics have some kind of special moral authority that justifies their privileged place in parliament. All the bishops' bench does is undermine democracy by promoting the narrow interests of religious elites. This debate is a good example of why scrapping the bishops' bench is long overdue."


  • The United Kingdom is unique among Western democracies in giving representatives of religious groups automatic seats in its legislature. The only other country that does this is Iran.
  • In September the British Medical Association, which represents about 150,000 medics, voted to adopt a position of neutrality on physician-assisted dying at its annual representative meeting.

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