Protect reproductive rights

Protect reproductive rights

Page 30 of 46: Religion should never block access to abortion or contraception.

We've defended reproductive rights from religiously motivated restrictions since our founding.

Religion should not stand in the way of reproductive healthcare.

A desire to restrict reproductive rights, and to control women's bodies, is a hallmark of religious fundamentalism. We strongly support the right of women to have legal and safe abortions and access to emergency contraception.

Since its founding the National Secular Society has supported reproductive rights. In 1878 our founder and vice-president were prosecuted for making information about birth control accessible to working class women.

Throughout the world, reproductive rights are still under threat from theocrats. While individual religious people hold diverse views on abortion, every stage of progress in reproductive healthcare has been fought by religious organisations. Often these have involved virulent campaigns of intimidation and misinformation.

84% of people in the UK believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. This includes 76% of religious people and 94% of nonreligious people.

In the UK, emergency contraception can still sometimes be difficult to obtain. Some religious pharmacists have defied General Pharmaceutical Council guidance by refusing to sell it or even to dispense a prescription given to a woman after a consultation with her own doctor.

People of all religions and beliefs can have disagreements on the boundaries of bodily autonomy and reproductive rights. However, religious beliefs should not be used to restrict the bodily autonomy of other people.

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Northern Ireland anti-abortion measure “strongly supported” by religious groups

Posted: Tue, 9 Jun 2015 12:29

A coalition of religious groups offered 'strong support' to proposed legislation in Northern Ireland which would have introduced a ten year prison sentence for carrying out an abortion.

The penalty would have applied to independent abortion providers in Northern Ireland such as Marie Stopes, and would have effectively limited services to NHS hospitals- where they would be restricted.

Groups supportive of the measure included "CARE, the Christian Medical Fellowship, Evangelical Alliance, Precious Life, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, Women's Network, the Northern Catholic Bishops, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the Free Presbyterian Church and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland."

Alastair Ross MLA, Chairperson of the Committee for Justice, who moved the amendment, said, "the main points in support of the amendment included the argument that life begins at the moment of conception."

While noting their opposition to abortion, Sinn Fein said the proposal was "clearly an attempt to restrict the right of a woman to obtain a termination in life-threatening circumstances."

The party added that the amendment was "an attempt to further compound trauma by marginalising women at a time in [their lives] when [they] are most vulnerable. The criminal justice arena is not a place to deal with a sensitive health care issue such as this."

Trevor Lunn MLA of the Alliance Party commented that the amendment caused "equal concern to those of us who are pro-choice and pro-life." He added that he was "uncomfortable with the notion that an Assembly dominated by men should dictate in these matters."

He also questioned the parameters of the motion as written, and queried whether "the mother of a young pregnant girl, who cooperates with her daughter in arranging a termination" would be in breach of the law if her daughter was under the age of consent.

There was even a suggestion that the amendment would have restricted the use of the morning-after pill and made it difficult for independent organisations to offer it.

The motion was blocked, and a petition of concern was lodged against it. The DUP had said that the amendment was "doomed to fail" because of the petition of concern.

Take action: Urge Paraguayan authorities to provide a safe abortion for 10-year-old rape survivor

Posted: Thu, 7 May 2015 10:24

The National Secular Society is urging its supporters to call on Paraguayan authorities to grant an abortion to a 10-year-old-girl who is pregnant after having been raped by her stepfather.

Under the Catholic country's stringent anti-abortion laws, abortion is legal only when the life of the woman or girl is at risk. Despite the high risk this pregnancy poses and her mother's request, access to safe abortion has not been yet provided.

According the Convention on the Rights of the Child the best interest of the child has to always be of primary consideration and states have an obligation under the Convention to ensure access to abortion in these circumstances.

Lilian Soto, a feminist activist at the Centro de Documentación y Estudios (Centre of Documentation and Studies), has accused the Paraguayan judicial system of putting a minor's life at risk because of religious dogma.

She called on the authorities to establish an independent medical committee to evaluate the case free from the influence of religion.

In March 2015 the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights called on Paraguay to review and modify its abortion legislation to ensure its compatibility with other rights such as health and life.

The NSS is asking members and supporters to join Amnesty International's letter writing campaign calling on the Government to intervene to ensure the girl gets all the medical treatment she requires, including the termination of the unwanted pregnancy.

More background is available from Amnesty's action briefing:

Please write immediately in Spanish or English:

  • Urging the Paraguayan authorities to save the life of this 10-year-old-girl, pregnant as a result of rape by her stepfather, by granting her the abortion her mother has requested;
  • Reminding them that according to UN agencies, a pregnancy poses specific risks and potentially long-term consequences for the physical and mental health of girls;
  • Urging the authorities to carry out an independent and impartial investigation into the rape of the girl and to hold those responsible for the abuse accountable.

Please send appeals before 9 June 2015 to:

Minister of Public Health and Welfare
Ministro de Salud Pública y Bienestar
Dr. Antonio Barrios
Pettirossi Esq. Brasil
Asunción, Paraguay

Fax: +595 21 207 328 Email:

Salutation: Dear Minister/Estimado Ministro


Attorney General
Fiscal General
Dr. Javier Diaz Veron
Chile c/ Ygatimí
Asunción, Paraguay

Phone/Fax: +595 21 415 6152


Salutation: Dear Attorney General/Estimado Fiscal General

Please also send copies to the Paraguayan Ambassador to the United Kingdom

His Excellency Mr. Miguel A. Solano-López C.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Third Floor, 344 Kensington High Street
London, W14 8NS
United Kingdom