End non-stun religious slaughter

End non-stun religious slaughter

Page 13 of 33: No more religious exemptions from animal welfare laws.

Millions of animals are suffering unnecessarily by being slaughtered without stunning to meet religious demands.

That's why we campaign to end religious exemptions to animal welfare laws.

Animal welfare law requires animals to be stunned before slaughter to minimise their pain, suffering and distress. The only exemption is for Jewish and Muslim communities to meet kosher and halal religious dietary preferences.

The scientific consensus is clear that it is more humane to stun an animal prior to slaughter. The slaughter of animals without pre-stunning is permitted in the UK despite a recommendation by the government's own advisory body, the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), that the practice should be banned. FAWC concluded that animals slaughtered without pre-stunning are likely to experience "very significant pain and distress".

RSPCA, Compassion in World Farming and the British Veterinary Association all support an end to non-stun slaughter to improve animal welfare at the time of death.

  • 70% of Brits think stunning animals before slaughtering them is more ethical.
  • 72% of the population think food produced from religious non-stun slaughter methods should be clearly labelled.

We support the right to religious freedom. But this is not an absolute right. Religious exemptions shouldn't be made to laws meant to prevent unnecessary animal cruelty.

Take action!

1. Write to your MP

Ask your MP to end the religious exemption that allows animals to be slaughtered without pre-stunning.

2. Share your story

Tell us why you support this campaign, and how you are personally affected by the issue. You can also let us know if you would like assistance with a particular issue.

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Animal welfare groups ask government to end non-stun slaughter

Posted: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 12:45

Animal welfare advocates are urging the environment secretary to repeal an exemption which allows animals to be slaughtered without pre-stunning for religious reasons.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and the British Veterinary Association (BVA) have made the call in an open letter to Michael Gove.

The letter, which the groups are urging members of the public to sign, says: "All animals should be stunned before slaughter. No exceptions.

"Scientific evidence clearly indicates that slaughter without pre-stunning can cause unnecessary suffering.

"The level of restraint required to hold an animal still, expose the throat, and perform an effective neck cut is typically greater than that needed for stunned slaughter. When the neck cut is performed it triggers a barrage of sensory information to the brain in the conscious animal."

Official figures have revealed that over 120m animals were slaughtered without being pre-stunned between October 2017 and September 2018 – more than three animals slaughtered every second on average.

The welfare groups' letter also says that while the exemption exists the government should take a series of steps to mitigate the harm it causes. These include a requirement to stun cattle, sheep, goats and deer after they are cut to reduce their suffering and the introduction of method of slaughter labelling on meat and fish.

They also include the end of exports of non-stun meat, measures to ensure supply meets demand and measures to improve transparency.

The letter also calls on the government to release the results of a comprehensive survey of slaughterhouses form the Food Standards Agency (FSA) "without delay". The results were due for release in autumn 2018.

The survey provides detailed information on the number of animals in England and Wales slaughtered with non-stun methods and includes data on the level of exports.

BVA president Simon Doherty said: "The UK government has repeatedly stated it would prefer to see all animals stunned before slaughter but has taken no action to address this critical welfare issue that affects millions of animals every year.

"It is doubly disappointing that data that would have provided a valuable benchmark for levels of non-stun slaughter in the UK has yet to see the light of day despite assurances throughout last year that it would soon be made public.

"There is a huge groundswell of support for a ban on non-stun slaughter, and recent developments in Belgium show that decisive change is possible where public support is matched by political will. Michael Gove has made clear that he wants to maintain and build on the UK's reputation as global leader on animal welfare; banning non-stun slaughter is a surefire way of showing he will deliver on this commitment.

"If slaughter without stunning continues to be permitted in the UK, then meat and fish from this source must be clearly labelled, to help customers make informed choices about the food that they buy and eat."

RSPCA chief executive Chris Sherwood said: "Our concern does not relate to the expression of religious belief but the welfare of animals.

"Until there is a change in the law to end non-stun slaughter, there are several measures the UK government could introduce to reduce the suffering involved in this practice."

The letter raises similar concerns to those which the National Secular Society outlined in a letter to the government in November 2018. The NSS called for the repeal of the religious exemption to the animal welfare laws and a requirement to label non-stun meat while the exemption is in place.

Responding to the RSPCA and BVA's letter, NSS spokesperson Chris Sloggett said the government should "listen to the informed opinion of experts on the subject".

"Once again we are reminded that the scientific evidence shows that non-stun slaughter is inhumane. The government should listen to those who know what they are talking about. Vets and scientists' views on animal welfare should take priority over the concerns of clerics.

"The religious exemption to the animal welfare laws should be repealed. Short of that, there are several steps – particularly method of slaughter labelling – which could increase transparency, improve consumer confidence and stem the supply of non-stun meat.

"The RSPCA and BVA's sole concern is understandably animal welfare, and they have the weight of evidence on their side. But we would also add that this is an issue of one law for all. The general restriction on non-stun slaughter is a reasonable law, so it should apply equally to everyone."

The most up-to-date figures show that 11% of poultry were slaughtered without pre-stunning between October 2017 and September 2018. That figure remains substantially higher than it was in 2013, when it stood at three per cent.

Twenty-five per cent of sheep and goats and one per cent of cattle were slaughtered without stunning.

The NSS wrote to the environment secretary to express concern about the sharp rise in the number of animals being subjected to non-stun slaughter in October 2017.

In October 2018 the NSS revealed that at least 17 councils across the UK supply non-stunned halal meat to at least 140 schools.

The RSPCA and BVA's letter has drawn a backlash from the kosher meat industry. Shimon Cohen, the campaign director of Shechita UK, accused the groups of sounding like a "cracked record".

His remarks strike a contrast with his words last month, when he said animal welfare groups' welcoming of legislation to end non-stun slaughter in parts of Belgium was "understandable". Those comments came as a preface to criticism of secularist and humanist campaigners who had also welcomed the legislation.

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Council leader silencing debate on schools’ non-stun meat, NSS says

Posted: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 14:06

The National Secular Society has criticised the leader of Kirklees Council in West Yorkshire for "trying to silence" objections to the supply of non-stun halal meat to schools.

Kirklees debated the issue of non-stun meat in schools at a full council meeting on Wednesday, after recent NSS revelations that it and at least 16 other UK councils supply the meat.

Kirklees Council supplies non-stun halal to 43 schools.

After the debate the council's leader Shabir Pandor, of Labour, tweeted: "I'm closing the debate on halal at full council. Diversity is our strength.

"Those questioning our provision of halal don't have animal welfare at heart. They have targeted sections of the community which had caused fear. Our policy on halal will remain in place."

During the debate Pandor described opponents of the policy as a "small number of people" who "do not have as their priority animal welfare". A petition against the council's policy gathered almost 8,000 signatures in less than a month in late 2018.

Representatives of Labour and the Green party also made strong accusations against those expressing concern over non-stun meat. One Labour councillor called those supporting the campaign "divisive and despicable".

But Conservative councillor David Hall said the issue was one of animal welfare.

In response NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: "It's bitterly disappointing to see councillors in Kirklees, particularly the council's leader, trying to silence debate over the supply of non-stun meat to schools in this way.

"While anyone who uses this issue to stir up anti-Muslim prejudice should be condemned, the scientific consensus is clear that stunning animals before they are slaughtered is more humane than not doing so. By supplying non-stun halal to dozens of schools Kirklees Council is normalising cruelty to animals. And its response to criticism of this appears to be to deflect attention by making blanket accusations against its critics. These mendacious silencing tactics must be called out for what they are.

"These councillors are dismissing the concerns of Kirklees residents who do not wish their council to supply this meat to children, including Muslims who reject the hardline interpretations of Islam that the council has effectively endorsed. Indeed the council's policy flies in the face of the fact that the majority of halal meat consumed by Muslims in the UK is from animals stunned prior to slaughter.

"Those who claim to be standing up for Muslims are in fact helping to stir social resentment and entrench reactionary views both among Muslims and against them."

The NSS, which briefed councillors before the debate, campaigns to repeal the religious exemption to the UK's animal welfare laws. The exemption allows animals to be killed without being stunned when the meat is intended for consumption by Muslims and Jews.

The NSS has previously raised concerns that non-stun meat is often sold or served to those who do not wish to eat it. Last year NSS research revealed that non-stun meat was widespread in UK supermarkets.

While the exemption remains in place the NSS advocates for the labelling of non-stun meat to allow consumers to make informed choices. The government has recently indicated that it will consider this measure.

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