Faith school still censors science and geography after Ofsted fail

Posted: Wed, 26th Jun 2024

Independent Jewish school in London continues to prevent pupils learning concepts "not in line with the school's religious beliefs".

Kyle Glenn, Unsplash

An independent faith school is continuing to censor lessons for religious reasons despite previous criticism from the school inspectorate.

Beis Ruchel D'Satmar London, an independent "strictly Orthodox" Jewish school for girls, was rated 'inadequate' in November after Ofsted inspectors found the school "did not allow pupils to study certain concepts, read content or complete tasks that are not in line with the school's religious beliefs" in subjects such as science and geography.

In a monitoring inspection in May, inspectors found the school's current practice "continues to reflect the findings from the previous inspection in all respects".

The report from this most recent inspection, published yesterday, said no changes have been made to the curriculum since the previous inspection.

It said school leaders were "still not fulfilling their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010", because they "continued not to actively promote and encourage respect for other people". This includes "those with different faiths and beliefs" and "some of those who have protected characteristics".

The previous inspection found the school also fails to teach "statutory content" in relationships and sex education (RSE), including concepts such as "sexual consent, sexual exploitation, grooming and abuse".

Many orthodox Jewish schools refuse to teach about other religions and beliefs or aspects of RSE that conflict with Jewish teachings.

The inspection found the school was "not preparing older pupils effectively for life in modern Britain" or "promoting fundamental British values" in line with the independent school standards.

The school has been rated "inadequate" since 2016.

During the May monitoring inspection, leaders requested the inspector not to "ask questions or discuss anything in relation to some of the protected characteristics, other faiths and beliefs or RSE".

Ofsted said the school's post-inspection action plan following their 'inadequate' rating in November included "a number of vague actions" which were "unlikely to result in compliance with the unmet standards".

The Board of Deputies of British Jews, the UK's largest Jewish communal organisation, has recently published a "manifesto" calling for Jewish schools to be allowed to teach RSE "according to their own religious ethos" and for Ofsted inspectors to "have sensitivity" for the religious ethos of Jewish schools.

NSS: No school "should be allowed to put its religious ethos ahead" of education

NSS head of campaigns Megan Manson said: "We were shocked when we saw the abysmal report from this school's inspection in November. We are even more shocked that, rather than complying with the law, this school is continuing to deprive its pupils of their right to an effective education.

"No school should be allowed to put its religious ethos ahead of teaching children science, geography or any other curriculum subject.

"Schools which continue to hold the law in contempt must be closed."

What the NSS stands for

The Secular Charter outlines 10 principles that guide us as we campaign for a secular democracy which safeguards all citizens' rights to freedom of and from religion.

Tags: Faith schools