Church school allocation angers non-religious parents

Posted: Sat, 22nd Nov 2014

Non-religious parents in St Albans have been told by the local authority that the only state education they can offer their children is at a faith school.

Hertfordshire County Council failed to offer five children any of their preferred schools – and instead allocated a Church of England school.

Despite informing Hertfordshire of their philosophical objections to the school, the parents' appeals against the allocations were unsuccessful and they now face the choice of either sending their children to the school or home schooling.

The children have all been offered places at Townsend Church of England School. The school says it is "genuinely open to all", but says religious education is "an integral part of each student's day" to help them "explore their understanding of God and to reflect on their relationship with him". Every morning begins with an act of collective worship.

Jo Hammond, whose 11-year-old daughter Bethany is one of the five affected children, told the NSS: "Not being religious ourselves we think this school is completely inappropriate. We've been told we can withdraw our daughter from worship and RE but there's no alternative provision, and sitting outside a classroom feels like punishment. Why should our daughter be punished for not being religious?"

"This has been a very stressful time for us", added Ms Hammond.

Katie Harford, another parent who rejected a place at the Christian faith school, said her daughter was "absolutely devastated".

She told the St. Albans Review: "We are not religious and the school is unsuitable for her. It is wrong on so many levels. The journey would take over an hour and would be done in the dark during winter. I do not want that for my child."

"The worst thing is my innocent daughter is the one suffering", said Ms Harford.

The families are being supported by their county councillor Maxine Crawley and have launched a local petition to attract support.

Stephen Evans, National Secular Society campaigns manager, said: "Again we see how the inclusion of faith schools in the state-school system can disadvantage those who don't share the faith of their local schools. It's becoming clear that the crisis in school places is being exacerbated by the division of schools along religious lines.

"Instead of accommodating increasing demands for religion specific schools, it would be fairer for all if we moved towards a secular education system, where children of all faiths and none are educated together in a respectful but religiously neutral environment."

Photo credit: St Albans Review

  1. Due to a shortage of places available, Hertfordshire County Council has been unable to offer a child any of the preferred schools listed by her parent – all of which were community schools.
  1. The parent is non-religious and has been told by Hertfordshire County Council that the only state education they can offer her 11 year old daughter is at a voluntary aided Church of England School.
  1. During the appeals process the parent made it clear that they regarded the church school as unsuitable on the basis of it being a faith school and they themselves not being religious.
  1. The parent is aware of her right to withdraw her child from Collective Worship and RE, but argues that there is no suitable alternative provision and withdrawal would feel like being "punished for not being religious."
  1. The Human Rights Act 1998 places a legal duty on local authorities to respect parents' religious and philosophical convictions as to the education to be

provided for their children, in so far as this is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training, and the avoidance of unreasonable public expenditure.

  1. My question is, is there any legal avenue to explore here? Could it be argued that the LA has failed in its duty, or is the right to withdrawal sufficient to ensure parents' right to ensure that their child's education is in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions is respected.